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Educational Organizations as Co-Developers in the Helsinki Region
(Aalto University, 2015)
Cooperation between education and the world of work is in a flux. Economic and societal pressures call for new types of cooperation and a transformation towards knowledge-producing communities. Educational institutions ...
Adapting Business Model Thinking to Service Logic: An Empirical Study on Developing a Service Design Tool
(Hanken School of Economics, 2015)
This study develops further one of the most popular business model frameworks, the business model canvas, into a Service Logic Business Model Canvas to better take into account service logic principles. ...
How the Data Provided by IIoT Are Utilized in Enterprise Resource Planning: A Multiple-Case Study of Three Change Projects
(IntechOpen, 2020)
An extreme increase in data production has taken place over the past few decades with a large number of sensor and smart devices acquired from distributed data sources. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) enables seamless ...
Social Constructionism Theory, Constructing the user experience of workplace
(Routledge, 2021)
Workplaces and -spaces are considered either as physical entities or as abstract organisational locations. Physical space is seen as static and objective by nature, and place is designated as an area with psychological ...
Electrophysiology of Word Learning
(Springer US, 2023)
Capacity to quickly acquire new words and learn language makes us who we are—communicating human beings. With modern brain research methodologies, we can now uncover the neural mechanisms underlying this unique word learning ...
How Do We Get the Brain to Tell Us About Language Computations and Representations? Designing and Implementing Experiments
(Humana, 2023)
Planning and conduction of electrophysiological experiments involves considering numerous factors, such as meticulous matching linguistic stimuli by their psycholinguistic features, finding optimal data recording settings, ...