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Mass Personalized Reality — A Case Study of Nokia Corporation
In this bachelor’s thesis commissioned by Nokia Corporation, a conceptual solution for enhancing customer experience through an implementation of augmented reality in a stadium context was explored. The initial inspiration ...
Boomi-Integraatiokehittäjäksi oppiminen
Tässä päiväkirjamuotoisessa opinnäytetyössä seurattiin junior-integraatiokehittäjän kehittymistä integraatiotyötehtäviin Boomi-alustalla 10 viikon ajan. Seurannan alkaessa työtä oli tehty noin 3 kuukautta, ja seurantajakson ...
Järjestelmäasiantuntijana hyperkasvavassa organisaatiossa
Tämä opinnäytetyö on kirjoitettu työnantajalleni keväällä 2022. Työn pääasiallisena tarkoituksena on yksilöllisellä tasolla kehittää omaa työntekoa ennakoinnin, työnsuunnittelun ja työkuorman hallinnan osalta sekä laajemmin ...
Product Design – ammatillinen kehittyminen, prosessit ja metodit
Tämä päiväkirjamuotoinen opinnäytetyö käsittelee ammatillista kehittymistä digitaalisen tuotesuunnittelun tehtävissä. Toimeksiantajana toimii kaupan alan ratkaisuihin erikoistunut ohjelmistoalan yritys. Opinnäytteen ...
Prototype design for a skill and competence development platform utilising Artificial Intelligence
The purpose of this thesis project was to develop a learning platform prototype and explore how to build the platform into a unique tool that does not yet exist in the educational field. This thesis project was completed ...
Using a web scraper tool to extract data from on-line job advertisements to determine demand for e-skills in the EU labour market
Since developing a long-term e-skills plan, the European Commission has prioritized closing the skills gap for the digital transformation of the economy. While the number of ICT students is rising and Member States are ...
Change management support for customers of a SaaS company: developing and proposing user journey communication guide for client X
To maintain the privacy policy of the client company the name is changed to client X. This thesis project responds to client company X's request to develop its change management support for customers during client projects. ...
Working as a Telecom Specialist in a logistics company (DHL)
In this diary-form thesis, the author followed his work duties for 8 weeks. The aim of this thesis was to gain insight into telecom specialist work, to improve as a telecom specialist, advance in several projects, and ...
Enhancing ISO 27001:2022 Implementation Through Project Management
The organisation where this thesis project was conducted had the objective of obtaining IEC/ISO 27001 certification, published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for ...
Cyber security in customer support: needs analysis and training outline
The subject of this thesis project was the needs analysis and outline for cyber security awareness training in a customer support department. The client was a company working in the mobility sector.
The first part of ...