Viitteet 1-10 / 106
Ethics as a resource. Examples of RDI projects and educational development
(Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2020)
This publication is intended for everyone interested in ethics professionally: research, development and innovation (RDI) actors, educational agents, funders and higher education institutions. The publication will offer ...
Ideavarkaissa: 12 pedagogista mallia portfolioista pakohuoneisiin
(Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2020)
Tieteen avoimuus on ollut muutaman viime vuoden ajan kuuma puheenaihe korkeakoulukentällä. Avoimuus ei järjestelmällisesti ulotu opetustilanteisiin eikä korkeakoulupedagogiikan käytännönläheisestä toteutusmalleista löydy ...
CISE as a Tool for Sharing Sensitive Cyber Information in Maritime Domain
(Procon, 2019)
The ECHO project aims at organizing and coordinating an approach to strengthen proactive cyber security in the European Union through effective and efficient multi-sector collaboration. One important tool for this aim is ...
National Security Auditing Criteria, KATAKRI: Leading Auditor Training and Auditing Process
(Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2013)
The National Security Auditing Criteria, KATAKRI, were published in 2009, revised in 2011, and version III is currently under revision. The root of KATAKRI is to preserve the confidentiality of any confidential and classified ...
Privacy and data protection in open source intelligence and big data analytics: Case ‘MARISA’
(Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2020)
This article analyses privacy and data protection issues in open source intelligence and big data analytics carried out by law enforcement authorities. The empirical case explores these challenges in the MARISA project. ...
Kinetic Controlled Flying of Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR)
(WSEAS Press, 2016)
We present a hands-free kinetic control method for flying of micro air vehicles (MAVs) or small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for public protection and disaster relief (PPDR). The system combines a 3D depth-sensing camera ...
Multi-Agency Cooperation in Cross-border Operations in the Field of Public Protection and Disaster Relief
(North Atlantic University Press, 2014)
The technological aspects of TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) ISI (inter-system interface) have been possible for more than a decade. ISI and interoperability between different organizations in different countries were ...
Towards a Design Theory for Resilient (Sociotechnical, Cyber-Physical, Software-intensive and Systems of) Systems
(WSEAS, 2022)
Resilience, as a property of a system, must transition from just a buzzword to an operational paradigm for system management, especially under future climate change. Identifying the need for system resilience requires ...
Cyber Security and Trust: Tools for Multi-agency Cooperation between Public Authorities
(SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, 2015)
Functions vital to society, such as public protection and disaster relief (PPDR), are increasingly dependent on networks, electricity and data processing infrastructure. Incidents such as natural hazards and organized crime ...
Secure and Reliable Communications for SCADA Systems
(North Atlantic University Press, 2012)
Uninterrupted electric power distribution is vital for modern society. Secure data transfer between control center and power stations is critical for controlling and protecting power distribution. Supervisory Control and ...