Viitteet 1-10 / 140
Searching for the elements of safe, meaningful, and valuable human-robot interaction (HRI) with elderly people
The purpose of this study was to learn how the elderly people perceive the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and if their impressions contain elements regarding safe, valuable, and meaningful life.
The theoretical part of ...
Decision support systems in healthcare - Literature review
The purpose of this literature review was to determine which factors promote and support the use of the decision support system in nursing and what experience professionals in decision-making support have in using the ...
Henkilöstön näkemykset osallistumisestaan psykiatrian hoitoympäristön uudistamiseen
Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli kuvata henkilöstölle tärkeitä asioita suunniteltaessa psykiatrisen sairaalan uudistuvaa hoitoympäristöä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on kartoitettu henkilöstön toiveita ja pelkoja uuden hoitoympäristön ...
A web-based, health promotion tool to combat sedentary behaviour and associated health conditions in the work environment
The subject of this research and development project was to detail the design philosophy and implementation of a technological health promotion product. This web-based, health promotion product aims to proactively combat ...
Supporting executive functions with a picture application : speech- and occupational therapists views on usefulness
Neuropsychiatric diagnosing and the amount of diagnosis has risen significantly over the past years. This has led to long queues to specialized care and therapy. One reason for needing therapy is problems with executive ...
Requirement analysis for navigation application in a hospital
Many people, who visit healthcare facilities, experience stress and anxiety. Visitors represent vulnerable user groups and may feel powerless and perceive the environment intimidating. Visiting a healthcare facility under ...
Tulevaisuuden etähoito kotihoidossa
Kotihoidon palvelujen piirissä asiakkaiden määrä kasvaa. Hoitohenkilökunnan määrä ei kuitenkaan lisäänny samassa suhteessa. Kotihoidon toimintaprosessien ja palveluiden kehittämisessä on otettu käyttöön erilaisia ...
User Experiences of Wearable Self-measurement Devices in Social Media
Purpose of this study was to find out reasons, experiences and development ideas regarding wearable devices from social media.
Data was collected entirely from social media platforms; Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, ...
User Experience of Filipino Older Adults on Serious Games
This research was conducted to study user experience with serious games by Filipino older adults living in two care facilities and as well as the user experience of the care staff with the same games. The research was ...
(Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, 2011)
Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli asumispalvelujen geneerinen hankintamalli, case-tapauksena erityisryhmien asumispalvelut Satakunnassa. Erityisryhmien asumispal-velulla tarkoitetaan tuettua asumista ja sen yhteyteen liitettäviä ...