Viitteet 1-10 / 550
Opiskelijoiden ajatuksia hyvinvoinnista ja liikkumisesta koronan jälkeen
(Liikuntatieteellinen seura, 2024)
Liikkuvaa kansakuntaa ei voi voittaa
(Liikuntatieteellinen seura, 2024)
Key Actions to Enable Automation for Mobile Network Security Operations
(Academic Conferences International Ltd, 2024)
Over time, the landscape of Cyberspace surrounding Internet Service Providers (ISPs) has undergone enduring transformations. Notably, mobile networks, integral to contemporary societal infrastructure, consistently encounter ...
Evaluating Knowledge, Perception, and Adoption of Enaira Among Rural Dwellers: Implications for Central Bank Digital Currency Development in Nigeria
(IGI Global, 2024)
E-naira is an electronic currency issued by the Nigerian government, controlled by the Central Bank of Nigeria, which was introduced in October 2021. The eNaira is the digital representation of Naira cash notes. This study ...
The Views of Regulators Around the World: A Systematic Review of Central Bank’s Official Publications on CBDC
(IGI Global, 2024)
In discussing the future of money and financial systems, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are now dominating the discourse; hence, understanding the perspectives of regulators, particularly central banks, and monetary ...
Urheilun uusi hyvän kertomus? Eettiset diskurssit valtion liikuntapoliittisissa ja liikuntajärjestöjen asiakirjoissa
(Liikuntatieteellinen seura, 2024)
Liikunnan ja urheilun eettisyyttä on Suomessa perinteisesti
käsitelty urheilun hyvän kertomuksen kautta. Liikuntakult-
tuurin eriytymiskehitys, esiin nousseet eettiset ongelmat ja
lisääntynyt tutkimustieto ovat kuitenkin ...
Anticipating change and development with systematic build-up of critical knowledge assets – Blueprint for a Knowledge Roadmapping Framework
(Academic conferences international, 2024)
Organizations of today act in a volatile operating environment that 1) implies challenges for firms in adapting to the new conditions but also 2) creates opportunities that new areas of knowledge and technology offer. To ...
Using T2-Capability Profile Modelling to Anticipate Change and Development: Bridging the Industry and Higher Education Views
(Academic conferences international, 2024)
Organizations depend on the capabilities their members possess to survive and succeed in the highly competitive operating environment. Typically, capability or competence profiles have been created cross-sectionally, serving ...
Opiskelukykyä liikkumisen avulla
(Terveydenhoitajaliitto, 2024)
Huoli opiskelijoiden opiskelukyvystä ja mielenterveydestä on herättänyt ammattilaiset
pohtimaan keinoja, joiden avulla voidaan tukea opiskelijoiden hyvinvointia. Tarve on
kasvanut viime vuosina ja erityisesti pandemian ...
Being second among the second: Experiences of Indigenous sports among assimilated Sámi
(ICSS, 2024)
This article reports on a study investigating the struggle for influence in an Indigenous community.
With an eye on the potential further subordination on certain subgroups, we studied how Sámi
sports club officials ...