- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Julkaisut

    • Game for children to support social skills 

      Marjanen, Päivi; Ojajärvi, Olli; Kumar, Shubham; Kumar, Amit (International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2018)
      Children learn social and emotional skills from their peers, parents and people with whom they are in contact. According to Vygotsky sociocultural peer group learning is a result of children’s co-operation and interpretative ...
    • Gathering End-user Requirements for the MACICO Public Safety Communications Project 

      Kämppi, Pasi; Tyni, Jaakko; Rajamäki, Jyri (North Atlantic University Press, 2014)
      The Multi-Agency Cooperation In Cross-border Operations (MACICO) project will develop a concept for interworking for security organizations in their daily activity. It deals with cooperation of security organizations that ...
    • Gender Differences in Perceptions of Conventional Video, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 

      Dirin, Amir; Alamäki, Ari; Suomala, Jyrki (Kassel University Press, 2019)
    • Gender Microaggressions in Low-Context Communication Cultures : A Perceptual Study in the Context of Higher Education Institutions 

      Gaisch, Martina; Chydenius, Tarja; Preymann, Silke; Sterrer, Stefanie; Aichinger, Regina (Universitys of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, 2016)
      In recent years the concept of microaggression has increasingly spurred the academic debate resulting in a number of classifications to express its several forms. This contribution seeks to shed light on gender microaggressions ...
    • Geographical variation in treated psychotic and other mental disorders in Finland by region and urbanicity 

      Suokas, Kimmo; Kurkela, Olli; Nevalainen, Jaakko; Suvisaari, Jaana; Hakulinen, Christian; Kampman, Olli; Pirkola, Sami
      Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023)
      Purpose In Finland, prevalence of schizophrenia is higher in the eastern and northern regions and co-occurs with the distribution of schizophrenia polygenic risk scores. Both genetic and environmental factors have been ...
    • Geriatrisen kuntoutusosaston omahoitajat työnsä kehittäjinä 

      Silvennoinen, Piia; Ronkainen, Kirsi (Kansanvalistusseura, 2019)
      Artikkelissa kuvataan erään lonkkamurtumapotilaisiin keskittyneen geriatrisen kuntoutusosaston tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeen tuloksia. Hanke käynnistyi hoitajien aloitteesta, ja sen tavoite oli omahoitajien työkäytänteiden ...
    • Globaalisti kestävällä polulla : Kansainvälisen toiminnan tavoitteet ja toimenpiteet 

      Ylikoski, Teemu; Hirvikoski, Tuija; Koski, Mari; Kuivalainen, Roope; Lahtinen, Hanna; Majakulma, Arja; Meristö, Tarja; Männikkö, Anna-Liisa; Poutanen, Marjo (Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2018)
      Tämä selvityksen tarkoitus on määritellä Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun tahtotila liittyen kansainvälisyyden edistämiseen, kuvata nykytila ja määritellä askeleet, joilla tahtotila saavutetaan. Kansainvälisyys, monikulttuurisuus ...
    • Global Water Ecosystem : past, present, future? 

      Meristö, Tarja; Laitinen, Jukka (Finland Futures Research Centre, 2018)
      Water resources at the globe are among the critical elements of life conditions not only for biological processes but for industry as well. It is not only the water consumption for different kind of purposes but also the ...
    • Google Trend analysis of the evolution of collaborative innovation terms 

      Santonen, Teemu (Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto, 2023)
      A great variety of collaborative innovation terms – a concept associated with the process of engaging various stakeholders to innovate collaboratively – have been proposed. Prior studies have revealed significant popularity ...
    • Governance and management information system for cybersecurity centres and competence hubs 

      Rajamäki, Jyri; Lahdenperä, Janne
      European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security : 1 (Academic Conferences International Ltd, 2023)
      Information sharing allows organizations to leverage the collective knowledge, experience, and analytical capabilities of their sharing partners in a community of interest. Sharing information is made easier with the help ...
    • Governance of an Externally Funded Research and Development : A Multiple Case Study Analysis 

      Pirinen, Rauno (WSEAS Press, 2012)
      Externally funded research and development (R&D) can promote a value that is achieved in R&D projects. This value can be expanded and utilised by regional actors, networks and innovation systems, and it can contribute ...
    • Government.com? Multifunctional cabinet portfolio analysis of 201 national governments 

      Roth, Steffen; santonen, teemu; Heimstädt, Maximilian; Clark, Carlton; Trofimov, Nikolay; Kaivo-oja, Jari; Atanesyan, Arthur; Laki, Balazs; Sales, Augusto (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019)
      The purpose of this paper is to examine how much value national governments worldwide place on political, economic, scientific, artistic, religious, legal, sportive, health-related, educational and mass media-related issues. ...
    • Green Transition - Changing Thinking Patterns and Actions in Practice 

      Ekström, Maria; Hytönen, Kaisa (International Academy of Technology, Education and Development, 2022)
      To ensure possibilities to economic growth and prosperity in a long-term basis, the societies need to find ways to preserve natural resources and start acting more responsibly and sustainably. In this paper we adopt an ...
    • The Grey Areas Between Open and Closed in Innovation Networks 

      Leminen, Seppo; Turunen, Taija; Westerlund, Mika (Talent First Network (Carleton University), 2015)
      This study argues that there are different degrees of openness and closedness in innovation activity, and it highlights the need for more research on the "grey areas" between totally open and totally closed innovation, ...
    • Group assignments require specific assessment tools 

      Guilland, Auli; Hakkarainen, Anne; Heinonen, Jarmo; Harmoinen, Päivi (IATED, 2013)
      Education should be developed to better correspond to the needs of real-life situations and be the focal point of teaching and learning, thus enabling students to develop appropriate competencies for working life. In the ...
    • Guidance and counseling process supporting the assessment of gained competence in RDI projects 

      Aaltonen, Katri; Camara, Antonius (Arene ry, 2014)
      The working life oriented pedagogical models (e.g., Learning by Developing, Problem Based Learning, Innovation Pedagogy), which have been taken in use in the universities of applied sciences, have made a change in the ...
    • Guidance of the Path Students 

      Lahtinen, Nina; Häkkinen, Johanna (International Academy of Technology, Education and Development, 2019)
      The purpose of this research and development work is to develop guidance of the path students in Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Guidance can be used to support student’s development of agency. In this article, ...
    • Haavahoidon erikoistumiskoulutus sairaanhoitajan uramallin tukena 

      Pennanen, Tiina; Seppänen, Salla (Suomen Haavanhoitoyhdistys ry, 2022)
      Terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöiden neuvottelukunnan hoitotyön jaosto on tehnyt ehdotukset kliinisen hoitotyön erikoisaloista (1), niiden osaamiskuvauksista ja keskeisistä sisältöalueista. Haavanhoito on yksi 17:sta kliinisen ...
    • Haavahoidon osaaminen nyt ja tulevaisuudessa 

      Seppänen, Salla (Suomen Haavanhoitoyhdistys, 2020)
      SUOMEN HAAVAHOITOYHDISTYS on 25 toimintavuotensa aikana aktiivisesti hakenut ratkaisuja ammattilaisten haavahoidon osaamisen kehittämiseen mm. järjestämällä alueellisia koulutuksia ja valtakunnallisia koulutuspäiviä sekä ...
    • Hahmottamisen laaja-alaisuus ja tiedon luonne 

      Seppälä, Mikael (Tietojohtaminen, 2022)
      Yhdysvaltain kongressitalon valtausyrityksen, Convoy Finland -mielenosoituksen ja vaikkapa koronaan liittyvän rokotekriittisyyden yhteydessä tulee usein mietittyä, että mistä niihin uskomisen taustalla olevassa ymmärryksessä ...