"johtajuus" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Julkaisut

    • Different Roles in Leadership Styles in Modern Organization 

      Reunanen, Tero; Kaitonen, Jaana
      Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer, Cham, 2016)
      Today’s rapidly changing world has forced leaders to change their leadership styles aligned to the current situation faster than ever. What kind of leadership style should be utilized in modern expert organization? What ...
    • Leadership Focus in Modern Expert Organization 

      Reunanen, Tero; Junno, Marko
      Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer, Cham, 2016)
      Leadership is a concept proven troublesome to unambiguously define and its effectivity to assess in certain situations. There still is no clear consensus what leadership is. Nevertheless of academic discussions between ...
    • Management Style, Focus and Purpose in Development of LEAN in University Hospital 

      Reunanen, Tero; Maijala, Riikka (Springer, Cham, 2018)
      Today’s rapid turmoil in economy caused by globalization and changes in world, has forced, leaders and managers in public institutions as well as private organizations to adapt and change their organizations’ cultures with ...
    • Muutos, verkot ja verkostot : oppivan työyhteisön solmukohdissa 

      Tanskanen, Ilona; Nenonen, Suvi; Turun ammattikorkeakoulu
      Turun ammattikorkeakoulun oppimateriaaleja : 47 (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2009)
      ”Muutos, verkot ja verkostot - oppivan työyhteisön solmukohdissa” on esimies-alaistyötä käsittelevä artikkelikokoelma. Teos on tarkoitettu oppimateriaaliksi, modernia työtä tutkiville ja ammatillisen kehittymisen välineeksi. ...