Viitteet 1-10 / 73
Co-developing the product customization services for Aida Impact
The current environment is immersed in a rapid and continuous change, where companies have to develop or innovate services in order to satisfy the user needs. To reach this requirement, it is important to make the services ...
Development of a Process for Organizational Strategy and Structure as Part of a Change Process
The thesis is a case study, where a development project was conducted for a middle-sized organization. The research was about the organization’s structure of development and strategy content as part of a process of change. ...
A service design approach for Tom Yum Thai Asian Restaurant in Vaasa Finland
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to conduct a service design approach to Tom Yum Thai restaurant in Vaasa. Restaurateurs are always trying different experiments to meet customer satisfaction and are still looking ...
Vem är sjukskötare idag? En marknadsföringskampanj för sjukskötaryrket och -utbildningen med stöd av tjänstedesign
Sjukskötaren hör till den största yrkesgruppen inom hälso- och sjukvården som vårdar och tar hand om människor med olika sjukdomar i olika åldrar, livssituationer och miljöer. Sjukskötarens viktiga roll i samhället och ...
Developing self Managed Teams through Service Design Methods: Intensive Long-term Assisted Living facility Nurses` Experiences of the impact of self managed Teams on Workers`Satisfaction
The thesis focused on evaluating and co-developing the concept of self-management in teams of healthcare professionals and investigating its implications on workers satisfaction. The aim was to gather the employee`s ...
Nordea Mariehamn goes Nordea Unlimited : A Service Design Project
The objective of this thesis is to propose improvements to customer experiences within the new branch office model called Nordea Unlimited in the case company. The improvements aim to get the maximum benefit from the ...
Aiming for Behaviorally Aware Digital Design : Creating a Training Concept in Digital Nudging
The objective of this thesis was to create a training concept and materials to train designers on how to make better use of behavioral insights and nudging in digital service development. The research questions were: How ...
Using Service Design Methods as a Tool to Facilitate Foreign Graduates Transition and Integration into the Finnish Labour Market. Subtitle:Case study of the employment of graduates of the degree programme in Leadership and Service Design
The aim of this thesis was to investigate using services design tools and methods, how foreign graduates from Finnish universities can be integrated into the Finnish labour market. The focal group for this research was ...
Co-developing the Immigrant Integration Services of the Järvenpää’s Immigration Office Verso
The Master´s Thesis focused on evaluating and co-developing the immigrant integration and employment enhancing services of Järvenpää´s Immigration Office Verso in cooperation with the customers and employees of the Verso ...
Service Designing Co-working Possibilities. Internal Communication in Virtual Expert Teams.
The Master’s Thesis focused on service designing co-working possibilities and internal communication in virtual expert teams in the case organization. The aim of the thesis was to provide first iteration of virtual customer ...