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Re-valuing canals : Valuation of ecosystem services provided by the Smart Canal project
The primary purpose of this work was to provide a new view of the role canals can play in cities. In Glasgow city, canals were held highly for its role in shaping the industrial image of the city during the industrial ...
Developing protocol on Jakarta green area target setting for urban overheating mitigation
Climate change contributes to heat stress in cities. Massive transitions from natural habitat to built environment triggers urban heat island effects. In the context of urban climate adaptation, green open spaces have been ...
Roadmaps : a platform for stakeholder connectivity towards decarbonisation of the buildings sector
Decarbonising the buildings sector is critical to achieving the Paris Agreement commitment as it is responsible for almost 40% of final energy use. However, the sector is not on track to meet the targets. Recent debates ...
Circular economy and international trade : Assesing the impact of European circular economy strategies in international trade
The purpose of the research is to study the current situation of the circular economy and how the transition to a circular economic model can affect international trade. The study is focused on the current situation of the ...
Infrahankkeen suunnitteluttaminen ja suunnittelun ohjaus rakennuttajakonsultin toimesta
Infrahanke muodostuu tarpeesta luoda, saneerata tai ylläpitää infrarakenteita. Infrarakenteet koostuvat mm. liikenneväylistä, energia- ja vesihuoltoverkoista sekä ympäristörakenteista. Opinnäytetyössä käydään lyhyesti läpi ...
The Green Area Ratio as a planning tool for sustainable green infrastructure in a highly dense and arid urban environment. : case study Lima, Peru
Green infrastructure (GI) can simultaneously deliver a wide range of highly beneficial ecosystem services (ESs) for cities. However, in densely built arid environments, implementing GI can worsen water scarcity, limiting ...
Exploring opportunity sites for implementing nature-based solutions against flooding in urban vacant and derelict land : case study area-Glasgow City
Rapid urban expansion and changing climate are continuously modifying the natural hydrological cycle. Thus, extreme precipitation-related urban surface water flooding is occurring frequently, with disastrous consequences ...
Asukkaiden ja toimijoiden osallisuus Järvenpään resurssiviisaustyöhön
Tämän toimintatutkimuksen ”Asukkaiden ja toimijoiden osallisuus Järvenpään resurssiviisaustyöhön” tavoite oli osallisuuden lisääminen. Tutkimus lähti liikkeelle vertailututkimuksella: haastateltiin kaupunkien edustajia ja ...
Creating sustainable and equitable communities in a post-Covid context : development of the Scottish 20-minute neighbourhood concept
The aim of the research is to contextualise the 20-minute neighbourhood in Scotland as a place-based approach to a post-pandemic green recovery; to understand how the concept is being received and understood by stakeholders, ...
Kaarinan Lemunniemen viherverkkosuunnitelma
Nykyisin maaseutumaiselle ja luonnonarvoiltaan monipuoliselle Kaarinan Lemunniemelle suunnitellaan tulevaisuudessa asumista tuhansille uusille asukkaille. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin, miten viherrakenteen tarjoamat monet ...