Viitteet 1-10 / 15
Trender inom publiceringsverksamheten bland finländska yrkeshögskolor : explorativ analys av data från Research.fi
I detta arbete utförs explorativ dataanalys på ett dataset bestående av publikationsmetadata från hemsidan Research.fi. Data i frågan är en del av informationen insamlat i examensarbetet ’Visualisering av data från Research.fi ...
Adoption and Use of Health-related Mobile Applications: A Qualitative Study with Experienced Users
(SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2021)
Young consumers’ tendency to use a smartphone as decision-support inside clothing stores
(Yrkeshögskolan Arcada Ab, 2017)
This study explores young consumers’ tendency to use a smartphone to support decisions in a clothing store. A cluster analysis is conducted based on results from a student survey. The findings generated three tentative ...
Impact of in-store technology on the consumer shopping process – a field experiment with a smart cart
(Yrkeshögskolan Arcada Ab, 2016)
An in-store experiment in a Finnish supermarket was conducted to measure the impact of a smart cart device on the consumer shopping process. The experiment consisted of research subjects choosing five previously determined ...
Changing Behavioral Patterns in Grocery Shopping in the Initial Phase of the Covid-19 Crisis—A Qualitative Study of News Articles
(Scientific Research Publishing, Inc., 2020)
Working Papers Presented in Arcada on R&D Day June 4, 2014
The Department of Business and Analytics in Arcada University of Applied Sciences arranged a R&D Day seminar on June 4,2014. Five working papers presented in this seminar are published in this report.