Viitteet 1-10 / 31
Neuvonpito itseohjautuvan organisaation käytänteenä
(ProCom Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry, 2020)
Itseohjautuva organisaatio toimii vallan hajauttamista ja yhteisöllisyyttä tukevien käytänteiden kautta. Perinteiseen hierarkkiseen organisaatioon verrattuna itseohjautuvan organisaation viestintä on hallitsematonta. ...
Joukkueiden nimet joukkuevoimistelussa
(Suomen urheiluhistoriallinen seura, 2019)
In Finnish aesthetic group gymnastics the team names were first seen in the mid 1980’s since it was possible to have two or more teams from the same association in a competition. Simply the name of the sports association ...
Kysymys-vastausjaksot myyjän ja asiakkaan etäneuvottelussa
(AFinLA, 2020)
This paper examines technology-mediated sales interaction in which a prospective customer receives a salesperson’s video call in a research laboratory. The paper focusses on the prospect’s requests for information, the ...
Keskustelunanalyysi ja vuorovaikutuslingvistiikka
(Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, 2020)
Keskustelunanalyysissa ja vuorovaikutuslingvistiikassa tutkitaan kieltä ja vuorovaikutusta erilaisissa sosiaalisissa tilanteissa ja yhteiskunnan eri alueilla. Kiinnostus kohdistuu siihen, miten ihmisten välinen vuorovaikutus, ...
Making sense of a co-innovation journey across multiple contexts: a case study of an entrepreneurship micro-credential
(Edward Elgar, 2024)
The purpose of this study is to extend knowledge about the role of context in the design and delivery of entrepreneurship education courses, in particular a novel course form: micro-credentials. We review the characteristics ...
From High Streets to Digital Environments: Changing Landscapes in Travel Intermediation
(Peter Lang, 2018)
The internet and electronic market places have changed the travel services industry completely, and traditional travel intermediaries grapple with the question of what the reason for their existence is in an environment ...
Supporting Sustainable Development Using Multiple Criteria Decision Aid: Towards an Age-Friendly Smart Living Environment
(Springer, 2021)
This chapter aims to contribute to a better understanding of how sustainable development (SD) can be supported in the building of age-friendly SLEs to meet the needs of an increasingly ageing population. The proposed ...
Institutional interaction
(John Benjamins Publishing, 2020)
When the participants in an interaction discuss matters connected to at least one of the participants’ work-related tasks, the interaction can be described as institutional. In contrast to everyday sociable conversations, ...
AI-based Facial Recognition in Emotional Detections
(Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, 2019)
Facial recognition is a method of identifying a human face with the help of computer vision (CV). The popularity of smart gadgets and the advancement of cameras’ capabilities have caused facial recognition to become a hot ...
Privacy Concern, Data Quality and Trustworthiness of AI-Analytics
(Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, 2019)
The present study investigates the role of trustworthiness of data analytics from the data quality and privacy concern perspectives. In addition to the privacy concern of users, we investigated conceptually the requirements ...