Viitteet 1-10 / 222
Clinical reasoning and critical reflection in physiotherapists' examinations of patients with low back pain in its early phase : a qualitative study from physiotherapists' point of view
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)
Aim: The aim of this study was to deepen the current understanding of physiotherapists’ decision-making process and more specifically, to investigate their reflections on their clinical reasoning when examining low back ...
Influence of chronic pain in physical activity of children with cerebral palsy
(IOS Press, 2018)
BACKGROUND: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) perform less physical activity than their typically developing peers (TDP). Pain, important comorbidity in children with CP, restrains levels of physical activity.
Benchmarking knowledge potentials of clusters: a comparative study in the tourism industry
(Inderscience publishers, 2014)
Clusters have been identified as influential mechanisms to drive knowledge-based innovations. Despite this acknowledgement, there have not been many attempts to evaluate their knowledge potentials. This is a pioneering ...
Impact evaluation of EUR-ACE programme accreditation at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
The article reports on a case study of impact evaluation of external quality assurance, i.e. EUR-ACE programme accreditation, which was carried out by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre at Jyväskylä University of ...
Lapsen oikeuksien toteutuminen terveyttä edistävässä sairaalassa
(Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, 2018)
Lasten oikeudet sairaalassa pohjautuvat YK:n lapsen oikeuksien julistukseen. Lapsen oi-keudet sairaalassa vahvistavat lapsen osallisuutta omaan hoitoonsa ja terveydenhuollon yksilöllisempää palvelukulttuuria. Opinnäytetyön ...
Kansallisen rokotusohjelman toteuttamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
(Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, 2018)
Rokotukset on osoitettu erittäin kustannusvaikuttavaksi tavaksi lisätä väestön terveyttä. Suomessa pikkulasten rokotuskattavuus on perinteisesti ollut hyvä. Rokotuskattavuudessa on kuitenkin huomattavaa alue- ja rokotekohtaista ...
Some experiences of implementing the concept of flipped classroom in the field of engineering
(Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, 2018)
The new curriculum for schools in Finland urges the teachers to use different applications of modern technology in teaching. The aim of this is not only to enhance students’ technical skills and provide them with skills ...
Reliability and validity of the COPE index among caregivers of disabled people
(W.B. Saunders Co., 2017)
Aim To study the reliability and validity of the Carers of Older People in Europe (COPE) Index among caregivers of disabled people of different ages. Methods A cross-sectional design of Finnish caregivers (n = 1117). ...
Koronapandemian aiheuttamat kielteiset tunteet: luontokokemukset puskurina?
(Suomen psykologinen seura, 2023)
Salesperson adoption and usage of mobile sales configuration tools
(Emerald Publishing, 2018)
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine salespersons’ adoption and usage of mobile sales configuration tools (MSCT) and to identify areas for further development in this realm. Another objective is to offer a ...