KoulutusalaOpinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)Media-ala

    • 10 hours 

      Pesonen, Merja (2023)
      Logline: A driving school student with a fear of driving must find a way out from a hijacking – and save himself and his eccentric driving school teacher. Synopsis: Ville and Jessica have sex in vintage car, parked in ...
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    • Exploring virtual tourism : value formation in online experiences in sharing economy platforms 

      García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2022)
      During the COVID-19 pandemic and succeeding lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, several services and activities shifted from physical to virtual environments. For example, lectures, conferences and work-related meetings among many ...
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    • Grannymania 

      Siitonen, Juha (2022)
      Logline: In a small town of Savonlinna a teenage want-to-be artist Vallu has a crush on a senior citizen Aune. He fears public shaming and struggles with his mayor mother’s expectations as he fights to accept himself and ...
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    • Hidden Layer 

      Nagornijs, Glebs (2022)
      Logline: Young painter Viktor leaves his family farm to pay off their debts, but in the city he gets addicted to the imaginary utopic world of his mentor, Armand. Synopsis: Young painter VIKTOR leaves the family farm ...
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    • Hiding my family : from the initial idea to the final script 

      Niskanen, Eija (2022)
      Elokuvakäsikirjoitus työnimellä "Hiding My Family" kuvaa perhettä, joka joutuu elämään todistajansuojelohjelmassa perheen äidin jouduttua poliitikon suojelutyössään todistamaan mahdollista poliisikorruptiota. Nelihenkinen ...
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    • How to change everything in a script : and still make your story work 

      Brown, Anne (2021)
      Opinnäytetyö draamakomedia-sarjan kirjoittamisprosessista, sisältäen kolme jaksoa itse käsikirjoitusta.
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    • How to fictionalize a true story 

      Laaksonen, Laura (2023)
      Logline: Nothing (Else) Matters is a musical drama about a shy Finnish songwriter who falls madly in love with a Death Metal rock star, only to realize that finding her soulmate could cost her everything. Synopsis: ...
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    • Minimalism in fashion layout design : how to utilize minimalism in the design process 

      Sirola, Petra (2022)
      Opinnäyetyön tavoite oli kerätä tietoa minimalismin hyödyntämisestä muotiin liittyvässä taittotyössä. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin kahdessa osassa: teoreettinen osuus ja käytännön osuus. Teoreettinen osuus tutki minimalismin ja ...
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    • My Corona : one family’s life during pandemic 

      Vunk, Enriika (2021)
      The writer is a journalist from Estonia who moved to Finland eight years ago and is still working as a freelancer, but feels she could do whole lot more than just that. When the new virus spreads throughout the world, the ...
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    • Networking in music industry 

      Emene, Brandon (2023)
      Networking plays a crucial role in the music industry, facilitating collaborations, promoting artists and their work, and fostering opportunities for growth and success. This thesis explores the significance of networking ...
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    • Northern Lights 

      Pogrebnyak, Yulia (2022)
      LOGLINE: Having burned the bridges behind her back, an exiled artist deals with a creative crisis by burning her art down. SYNOPSIS: Belarus. August 2020. The third day of the biggest pro-democratic protests and everything ...
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    • Pre-production of a vocalist : best practices before stepping into the studio 

      Räsänen, Katja (2023)
      Vocals are the center of attention and usually the most important part of a recording. However, studio time is expensive and limited, yet the result should always be first-rate and captivate the listeners' attention. The ...
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    • Projektista toiseen : portfolio 

      Hakala, Eeva-Maria (Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, 2006)
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    • Stellar Dealings 

      Fair, Sarah (2023)
      Logline Communications Specialist Jesse Waverly must decide if she will return to Earth and take over her father’s business or follow a rich visionary into the depths of space. Synopsis The year is 2118. Certified ...
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    • Subteksti kohtauksen käsikirjoittamisessa : tapaustutkimus: Täi 

      Polizzi, Katja (2023)
      Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tapaustutkimuksen avulla selvittää, miten subtekstiä voidaan kirjoittaa kohtaukseen. Opinnäytetyössä kirjoitetaan audiovisuaalisen teoksen kohtaus, ja kirjoitusprosessin aikana tarkastellaan, ...
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    • Teddy bear suited Gaija 

      Andersson, Anna (2022)
      Nina, 39, on tekemässä uransa läpimurtoa: hän on saanut unelmaroolin suuresta kotimaisesta elokuvatuotannosta, kun hänet yhtäkkiä syrjäytetään nuoremman ja nimekkäämmän näyttelijän tieltä. Aikaa ei ole enää hukattavaksi ...
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    • The Black Pill : the limits on satire in contemporary screenwriting 

      Browne, Nigel (2023)
      Objectives Artistically, my aims were to deepen my understanding of narrative structure in feature film screenwriting and to produce a work entertaining and meaningful enough to merit consideration for production in ...
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    • The Emigrant 

      Tyrrell, Barry (2023)
      Logline John, a reformed gangster from London, risks it all by stealing from his former boss and fleeing to Finland under a new identity. But when his daughter falls into the clutches of the vengeful gangland boss, John ...
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    • You Only Die Once 

      Mulari, Aila (2021)
      Kesään 1943 sijoittuva You Only Die Once kertoo partisaani-iskussa vammautuneesta Elvistä sekä hänen nuoremmasta veljestään Eetusta. He ovat perheensä ainoat selviytyjät, ja he yrittävät sopeutua uuteen alkuun kaukana ...
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