Radhusbygge i småskala: vilken metod är billigast?
Lindholm-Roms, Johan (2023)
Lindholm-Roms, Johan
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I detta examenarbete jämförs kostnaderna för tre olika väggkonstruktioner; långvirke i trä, värmeblock och CLT. Uträkningarna för väggkonstruktionen av CLT gjordes i samband med mitt företags verkliga bygge av ett radhus i Borgå, alltså enligt de reella kostnaderna. Objektet som jämförts har en totalyta på 360m2 och väggstommens yta 256,36m2. Uträkningarna för material och arbetskostnaderna för långvirke och värmeblock gjordes i excel med hjälp av information från materialtillverkaren och utifrån radhusets ritningar. Arbetstiden beräknades därtill med hjälp av RT kort. Arbetets mål var att objektivt jämföra tre olika material och för att andra byggherrar att utifrån resultatet ska kunna välja det mest kostnadseffektiva alternativet.
Resultatet visar att en väggkonstruktion i CLT är 134% dyrare än en väggkonstruktion i lösvirke och 62% dyrare än en väggkonstruktion i värmeblock.
The cost of three different wall constructions was compared in this thesis; timber frame, insulated blocks and CLT. The calculations for the wall construction of CLT were made at the same time as my company was building a row house in Porvoo, so we got the actual cost of the wall construction. The object that was compared had a total area of 360m2 and the total area of the wall frame is 256,36m2. The calculation for the building material and the labor costs for the timber frame and insulated blocks were made in Excel with the help of the information from the building materials manufacturer and the drawing of the row house. The labor costs were calculated using the RT card Rakennustöiden menekit 2020. The goal of the work was to objectively compare three building materials and with the help of the result other builders can choose the most costeffective alternative.
The results of the survey showed that a wall construction made of CLT is 134% more expensive than a wall construction made of timber frame and 62% more expensive than a wall construction made of insulated blocks. The next step would be to investigate whether wall elements would be more cost-effective in comparison to timber frame.
Resultatet visar att en väggkonstruktion i CLT är 134% dyrare än en väggkonstruktion i lösvirke och 62% dyrare än en väggkonstruktion i värmeblock.
The cost of three different wall constructions was compared in this thesis; timber frame, insulated blocks and CLT. The calculations for the wall construction of CLT were made at the same time as my company was building a row house in Porvoo, so we got the actual cost of the wall construction. The object that was compared had a total area of 360m2 and the total area of the wall frame is 256,36m2. The calculation for the building material and the labor costs for the timber frame and insulated blocks were made in Excel with the help of the information from the building materials manufacturer and the drawing of the row house. The labor costs were calculated using the RT card Rakennustöiden menekit 2020. The goal of the work was to objectively compare three building materials and with the help of the result other builders can choose the most costeffective alternative.
The results of the survey showed that a wall construction made of CLT is 134% more expensive than a wall construction made of timber frame and 62% more expensive than a wall construction made of insulated blocks. The next step would be to investigate whether wall elements would be more cost-effective in comparison to timber frame.