Journeys to South Karelia’ Culinary History
Iso-Aho, Juha; Moilanen, Jukka; Murto, Maria; Natunen, Juha-Pekka; Niemi, Noora; Helppi-Kurki, Riina; Vehviläinen, Katja (2023)
Iso-Aho, Juha
Moilanen, Jukka
Murto, Maria
Natunen, Juha-Pekka
Niemi, Noora
Helppi-Kurki, Riina
Vehviläinen, Katja
Humak University of Applied Sciences
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Did you know that, in the Stone Age, nuts were eaten on the shores of Lake Saimaa? What kind of food was served in a South Karelian inn in late 18th century Sauna and sausage belong together, but do you believe that, in a good sausage, the spices are under the skin and not on it? Can you prepare a whole menu on a campfire?
Ruokamaakunta Nyt! – 11 000 vuotta eteläkarjalaista gastronomiaa jatkuvassa kattauksessa / Food Province Now! – 11,000 years of South Karelian gastronomy in continuous table setting (A78744, ERDF) was a food tourism development project, which ran from 1 September 2022 to 30 November 2023, combining research, co-development and event production. The project organised four food-themed public events linked to different historical eras, as well as a series of hubs, workshops and other events aimed at food and tourism sector operators. The project produced a large amount of digital media content, such as photos, videos and podcasts, as well as social media and TV advertising, which will remain in the use of the sector’s operators after the project.
Saimaan matkailuun kilpailukykyä ja uudistumista kulinarististen elämysten ja verkostojen avulla / Competitive edge and renewal for tourism in the Saimaa region through culinary experiences and networks (SAKU) (A78745, ERDF) 1.6.2022-30.11.2023 was a project aiming to support the networking of entrepreneurs in the region and the development of business ecosystems in the form of a food tourism network, as well as co-development and openings fostering marketing expertise and export opportunities.
Ruokamaakunta Nyt! – 11 000 vuotta eteläkarjalaista gastronomiaa jatkuvassa kattauksessa / Food Province Now! – 11,000 years of South Karelian gastronomy in continuous table setting (A78744, ERDF) was a food tourism development project, which ran from 1 September 2022 to 30 November 2023, combining research, co-development and event production. The project organised four food-themed public events linked to different historical eras, as well as a series of hubs, workshops and other events aimed at food and tourism sector operators. The project produced a large amount of digital media content, such as photos, videos and podcasts, as well as social media and TV advertising, which will remain in the use of the sector’s operators after the project.
Saimaan matkailuun kilpailukykyä ja uudistumista kulinarististen elämysten ja verkostojen avulla / Competitive edge and renewal for tourism in the Saimaa region through culinary experiences and networks (SAKU) (A78745, ERDF) 1.6.2022-30.11.2023 was a project aiming to support the networking of entrepreneurs in the region and the development of business ecosystems in the form of a food tourism network, as well as co-development and openings fostering marketing expertise and export opportunities.