240 No. 2
Pullinen, Essi (2016)
Pullinen, Essi
Väänänen, Ilkka
Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
THE MOOD AT THE INSTITUTE OF DESIGN is one of anticipation and busy excitement. We are about to embark on a new journey, as we plan our new facilities, a new culture of doing things and a new curriculum. In autumn 2018, we will relocate o the building that was previously home to Finnish furniture makers Isku.
Our old building is a place full of feelings, familiarity and traditions of how we do things. Our community spirit is priceless. We will nurture it and take it with us to the new facilities. Not preserved in a glass jar like a specimen, but in our way of doing and creating things with passion and a critical eye.
Our students have been involved in the design and requirement specification process for the new facilities. A project is under way to design furniture for our new space.
Our students' ideas come through in the space solutions. The students already have opportunities to test and develop their skills in different learning environments in close contact with the real world. This prepares them for the challenges of working life after graduation.
We should continue to be finely tuned to the varied needs of industries. Our strengths combine with those of other Lahti UAS faculties, creating new kinds of competencies, new insight and experiments. This is something we have always valued.
This is the second annual 240 publication of the Institute of Design. It showcases our knowledge and skills, which come from our uncompromising quest for quality through experimentation, demonstration and the way we nurture each student's personal vision. Our students, staff members and alumni have worked together to design and implement insightful solutions for the new everyday.
The future is made here and now, together.
Our old building is a place full of feelings, familiarity and traditions of how we do things. Our community spirit is priceless. We will nurture it and take it with us to the new facilities. Not preserved in a glass jar like a specimen, but in our way of doing and creating things with passion and a critical eye.
Our students have been involved in the design and requirement specification process for the new facilities. A project is under way to design furniture for our new space.
Our students' ideas come through in the space solutions. The students already have opportunities to test and develop their skills in different learning environments in close contact with the real world. This prepares them for the challenges of working life after graduation.
We should continue to be finely tuned to the varied needs of industries. Our strengths combine with those of other Lahti UAS faculties, creating new kinds of competencies, new insight and experiments. This is something we have always valued.
This is the second annual 240 publication of the Institute of Design. It showcases our knowledge and skills, which come from our uncompromising quest for quality through experimentation, demonstration and the way we nurture each student's personal vision. Our students, staff members and alumni have worked together to design and implement insightful solutions for the new everyday.
The future is made here and now, together.