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Viitteet 1-20 / 827
Kuntien henkilöstöliikunnan barometri 2024
(Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, 2024) -
Urheilun uusi hyvän kertomus? Eettiset diskurssit valtion liikuntapoliittisissa ja liikuntajärjestöjen asiakirjoissa
Liikunta ja tiede : 4 (Liikuntatieteellinen seura, 2024)Liikunnan ja urheilun eettisyyttä on Suomessa perinteisesti käsitelty urheilun hyvän kertomuksen kautta. Liikuntakult- tuurin eriytymiskehitys, esiin nousseet eettiset ongelmat ja lisääntynyt tutkimustieto ovat kuitenkin ... -
Anticipating change and development with systematic build-up of critical knowledge assets – Blueprint for a Knowledge Roadmapping Framework
(Academic conferences international, 2024)Organizations of today act in a volatile operating environment that 1) implies challenges for firms in adapting to the new conditions but also 2) creates opportunities that new areas of knowledge and technology offer. To ... -
Using T2-Capability Profile Modelling to Anticipate Change and Development: Bridging the Industry and Higher Education Views
(Academic conferences international, 2024)Organizations depend on the capabilities their members possess to survive and succeed in the highly competitive operating environment. Typically, capability or competence profiles have been created cross-sectionally, serving ... -
Responsible Tourism Best Practices in the Nordic Countries
Publications of Jamk University of Applied Sciences (Jamk University of Applied Sciences, 2024)The concept of responsible tourism was launched in 2002 in Cape Town, together with the Declaration on Responsible Tourism. Responsible tourism is about making better places for people to live in, and better places for ... -
Atomic layer deposition of thermoelectric Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films on flexible ion track etched PET templates
(2024)Atomic scale thickness control and superior conformality make ALD the optimal deposition method for preparing nanostructured coatings and in the case of TE materials coatings with tailored thermal and electronic properties. ... -
Opiskelukykyä liikkumisen avulla
Terveydenhoitaja : 3 (Terveydenhoitajaliitto, 2024)Huoli opiskelijoiden opiskelukyvystä ja mielenterveydestä on herättänyt ammattilaiset pohtimaan keinoja, joiden avulla voidaan tukea opiskelijoiden hyvinvointia. Tarve on kasvanut viime vuosina ja erityisesti pandemian ... -
Idéguide för planering och utveckling av Småbarnspedagogiken i rörelse-verksamheten
(Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, 2024) -
Ideaopas Liikkuva varhaiskasvatus -toiminnan suunnitteluun ja kehittämiseen
(Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, 2024) -
Flexibility and freedom suit me better: food delivery couriers’ preferred employment status
Frontiers in sociology (Frontiers Media S.A., 2024) -
Being second among the second: Experiences of Indigenous sports among assimilated Sámi
International review for the sociology of sport (ICSS, 2024)This article reports on a study investigating the struggle for influence in an Indigenous community. With an eye on the potential further subordination on certain subgroups, we studied how Sámi sports club officials ... -
Controversy of Mobile Money E-Levy in Ghana: the Sweet, Sour and Switches of Customers
International journal of business and administrative studies : 2 (KKG Publications, 2023)This study investigates how electronic levy (e-levy) influence mobile money (MM) users’ continuous usage intention. Using theory of reasoned action and stimulus-organism-response theories, the study identified security and ... -
Smart Grid Fault Detection and Localization with Internet of Things: A Brief Survey
IEEE MetroInd4.0&IoT (2024)The evolution from the traditional Power Grids (PG) to the concept of Smart Grid (SG) is ongoing and one of the major drivers is the rise of the renewable energy in energy production. Traditionally the electricity ... -
Effects of physically active maths lessons on children's maths performance and maths‐related affective factors: Multi‐arm cluster randomized controlled trial
British journal of educational psychology : 3 (John Wiley & Sons, 2024)Background Physical activity (PA) may benefit academic performance, but it is unclear what kind of classroom-based PA is optimal for learning. Aim We studied the effects of physically active maths lessons on children's ... -
New horizons and developments in the field of public governance, regulatory mechanisms, and fraud detection in the light of macroeconomic imperatives
Journal of governance and regulation : 2 (Virtus Interpress, 2024) -
Coordination between financial reporting quality, investors’ utility function, social legitimacy, digitalization, and judicial independence
Business Performance Review : 1 (Virtus interpress, 2024) -
The interactions between leadership quality, sustainability, and innovation for the corporate value creation amidst conflicts and contradictions
Business Performance Review : 1 (Virtual Interpress, 2023) -
Pre-service teachers’ ways of understanding, observing, and supporting self-regulated learning
Teaching and teacher education (Elsevier, 2024)This study explores pre-service teachers' (PSTs') ways of understanding, observing, and supporting self-regulated learning (SRL). The implementation of an open-ended questionnaire (N = 118) was followed by a qualitative ... -
Artificial Intelligence Cyberattacks in Red Teaming: A Scoping Review
Lecture notes in networks and systems (Springer Nature, 2024)Advances in artificial intelligence are creating possibilities to use these methods in red team activities, such as cyberattacks. These AI attacks can automate the process of penetrating a target or collecting sensitive ... -
Refining Cyber Situation Awareness with Honeypots in Case of a Ransomware Attack
Lecture notes in networks and systems (Springer, 2024)The cyber threat landscape is vast and unstable. One of the top threats in the present moment is ransomware, which is constantly spreading in prevalence. To protect organisations’ cyber operating environment, ability to ...