Videoconferences in the future, shaped by the future : a general overview of the virtual experience
Dantis, Carmen (2023)
Dantis, Carmen
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The major events of recent years, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war at the European borders, or the need for the accelerated implementation of measures aimed at countering global warming, have determined changes both at the individual level (generating new behaviors and adaptation to the new realities), but also at the economic or business level. The events industry was one of the most affected industries that had to adopt short-term changes and reinvent itself. It took only a short time for in-person activities to move to an online space, and this situation was perpetuated. At present, many activities have not returned to being carried out in the physical environment. Those who have tried have taken the form of hybrid events because virtual activities have certain advantages that cannot be ignored. They are more sustainable than in-person events, inclusive, and not influenced by participants' proximity. Virtual events also have disadvantages, such as poor socialization, technical problems, or difficulty keeping participants engaged. However, the virtual event industry is growing faster, and videoconferences occupy a significant sector. To maintain this position, this kind of virtual event should take the experience to a superior level. They should trans-form themselves to offer attendees and other participants a memorable or even trans-formative experience. This paper aims to shape future videoconferences using literature review results backed by a practical perspective. Therefore, the theoretical back-ground, together with the results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis facilitated by the application of a questionnaire, corroborated with the study of trends and mega-trends in fields with an impact on the virtual events industry, led to the redesign of videoconferences that correspond to the needs and wishes of all those involved, whether they are organizers or attendees of such activities.