Absence percentage and well-being relationship in the case company : A study to understand the high absence percentage motives in the case company
Morsia, Pia (2023)
Morsia, Pia
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This research has been done based on the mandator necessity. The main idea of this research was to discover which could be the cause for so many absences, compared to national standards and if there is any relationship between these and the benefits in use in the case company.
Theory on well-being is a vast area, and this thesis reports only a small part of it, like general well-being, well-being related to the work environment, absences, and studies on absences. A general view on Occupational health care has been also included as private healthcare is one of the benefits offered by the case company. Previous research data, such as well-being surveys, has been included in the research to find a relationship between benefits and absence data.
This research could be classified as a case study because different methods, researchers, sources, and theories have been combined in to reach the result. This gave a wider visual on the topic and permitted to analyse the research question from different points of view combining different methods and approaches. The methodology of this thesis could be classified as a mixed methodology or triangulation, as it is the best combination for a case-research giving a great view on all the different problematics, material and point of views. The research followed the four steps indicated in the plan-ning throughout the research to maintain a logical thread and keep the research limited to interested areas.
The Zeffi-questionnaire was prepared to better understand the feelings, motivations, and sensations the employees had, how the work environment was perceived and what could the possible factors have been for the high absence percentage and how they perceive the benefits.
The results of my research were that there is not an evident relationship between absences and benefits but there are few discovers that could affect the well-being such as a nonfunctional performance appraisal, work organization needs to be improved as well as there is need for a better communication between employees and management. For sure there was necessity for some rules, and absence follow-up and a better co-operation with the Occu-pational health care to diminish the absence rate.
Keywords: well-being at work, work engagement, work satisfaction, health care, wellbeing, well-being, sickness absence percentage, absences from work, occupational health care, employee benefits.
Theory on well-being is a vast area, and this thesis reports only a small part of it, like general well-being, well-being related to the work environment, absences, and studies on absences. A general view on Occupational health care has been also included as private healthcare is one of the benefits offered by the case company. Previous research data, such as well-being surveys, has been included in the research to find a relationship between benefits and absence data.
This research could be classified as a case study because different methods, researchers, sources, and theories have been combined in to reach the result. This gave a wider visual on the topic and permitted to analyse the research question from different points of view combining different methods and approaches. The methodology of this thesis could be classified as a mixed methodology or triangulation, as it is the best combination for a case-research giving a great view on all the different problematics, material and point of views. The research followed the four steps indicated in the plan-ning throughout the research to maintain a logical thread and keep the research limited to interested areas.
The Zeffi-questionnaire was prepared to better understand the feelings, motivations, and sensations the employees had, how the work environment was perceived and what could the possible factors have been for the high absence percentage and how they perceive the benefits.
The results of my research were that there is not an evident relationship between absences and benefits but there are few discovers that could affect the well-being such as a nonfunctional performance appraisal, work organization needs to be improved as well as there is need for a better communication between employees and management. For sure there was necessity for some rules, and absence follow-up and a better co-operation with the Occu-pational health care to diminish the absence rate.
Keywords: well-being at work, work engagement, work satisfaction, health care, wellbeing, well-being, sickness absence percentage, absences from work, occupational health care, employee benefits.