Marketing Communication and Personal Sales in Timeshare and Leisure Property Sales for Russian Clientele in South Karelia Region
Kirjalainen, Otto (2014)
Kirjalainen, Otto
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This thesis project is dedicated for non-commercial market research which can and will be used to promote current Finnish sales strategies used on Russian tourists. To be more precise, the goal is to direct all attention towards the sales situation where the customer and sales person are sitting opposite of each other. The research is here presented in topic by topic fashion where it establishes a firm understanding or key elements and terminology of the material for the reader. Final part includes the interviews conducted for this thesis and the evaluation of the results and prospects for future studies. The object here is to find out what Finnish sales professionals are doing to get the best sale, how they prosper and how they fail. Ultimately the common good is the key, to make all the readers whether professional or not to have better assets towards their future sales and as helping factor for their marketing strategy.
The focus of the project is the determining the potential risks and flaws in personal sale marketing strategies for Russians in timeshare and leisure time property buying situations. Thesis is supposed to answer questions such as: are Finnish people comfortable with marketing situations with foreign nationalities? What are they doing correctly at the moment and what are the segments that needs improvement? The easiest way to acknowledge the current situation is to talk to people who are in responsible jobs like this and are constantly accompanied by Russian clients. Mostly , the viewpoint here will be the perspective of the sales person and not clients' view simply because of the huge effort needed to collect adequate amount of reliable data.
As the research part gets closer to finishing the reader will learn the surprising results of the empiric and theoretical part of the thesis study. The most interesting part might be that most of the interviewed people gave the impression that their current sales tactics seem to work pretty well already and there is not so much need for improvement, at least in the sector of Finnish tourist services that are specifically dedicated and designed for Russian clientele. The reader should know the marketing tactics and terminology and how the industry works by end of the thesis - from the of realtors' and timeshare marketers, point of view. However, the studies were pretty conclusive the reader is left in the state where he has to decide his own viewpoints to the problem and issue in general and form his own opinions.
The focus of the project is the determining the potential risks and flaws in personal sale marketing strategies for Russians in timeshare and leisure time property buying situations. Thesis is supposed to answer questions such as: are Finnish people comfortable with marketing situations with foreign nationalities? What are they doing correctly at the moment and what are the segments that needs improvement? The easiest way to acknowledge the current situation is to talk to people who are in responsible jobs like this and are constantly accompanied by Russian clients. Mostly , the viewpoint here will be the perspective of the sales person and not clients' view simply because of the huge effort needed to collect adequate amount of reliable data.
As the research part gets closer to finishing the reader will learn the surprising results of the empiric and theoretical part of the thesis study. The most interesting part might be that most of the interviewed people gave the impression that their current sales tactics seem to work pretty well already and there is not so much need for improvement, at least in the sector of Finnish tourist services that are specifically dedicated and designed for Russian clientele. The reader should know the marketing tactics and terminology and how the industry works by end of the thesis - from the of realtors' and timeshare marketers, point of view. However, the studies were pretty conclusive the reader is left in the state where he has to decide his own viewpoints to the problem and issue in general and form his own opinions.