Safety-signage system onboard passenger vessels
Holmström, Axel (2024)
Holmström, Axel
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The complete project´s aim included a collection of all the necessary standards related to safety-signage system onboard passenger vessels. A collection was created to simplify current standards used for safety-signage onboard passenger vessels.
The goal was to bring awareness to the maritime industry regarding the correct use of safety-signage and by that increase the knowledge and the overall safety onboard.
Through implementation of the collection, a clear and correct system has been developed. This development has defined the whole system and brought up the misconceptions regarding it.
The theoretical part copes with the principles of the safety-signage system. The theories used to form the foundation for the project are standards, regulations and resolutions that are currently effective today. The theory used stands as an empirical basis of the work.
The goal was to bring awareness to the maritime industry regarding the correct use of safety-signage and by that increase the knowledge and the overall safety onboard.
Through implementation of the collection, a clear and correct system has been developed. This development has defined the whole system and brought up the misconceptions regarding it.
The theoretical part copes with the principles of the safety-signage system. The theories used to form the foundation for the project are standards, regulations and resolutions that are currently effective today. The theory used stands as an empirical basis of the work.
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