Development and deployment of services based on D-BEST methodology for robotics and production automation related pilot lines
Lanz, Minna; Latokartano, Jyrki; Järvenpää, Eeva; Pöysäri, Saku; Dianatfar, Morteza; Siltala, Niko; Salminen, Katri; Hillman, Lasse; Siivonen, Jere; Aho, Markus (2024)
Lanz, Minna
Latokartano, Jyrki
Järvenpää, Eeva
Pöysäri, Saku
Dianatfar, Morteza
Siltala, Niko
Salminen, Katri
Hillman, Lasse
Siivonen, Jere
Aho, Markus
Karjust, Kristo
Kubarsepp, Jakob
American Institute of Physics
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The aim of the paper is to summarise the industrial needs relating to the research and development, test-before-invest and life-long learning. The main focus of the research is to increase the utilisation rates of the research and education environments by developing methods to allow access to these for the industry and other stakeholders.The paper starts with the summary of the needs collected from the field. The development of the needed services follows the D-BEST methodology. The paper presents the services catalogue planning and implementation process, and shortly introduces the laboratories where the new investments relating to the services are being deployed. The aim of these services is to bring the research facilities, equipment and expertise to more approachable modules for the SMEs.