A Stretching Guide : A definitive guide with step-by-step instructions how to perform stretching exercises using different methods and techniques with modifications for elderlies
Sheikh Mohammadi, Diyako (2015)
Sheikh Mohammadi, Diyako
Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu
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The subject of this thesis is stretching. The final product is a guide that introduces stretching exercises which can be modified for people with mobility problems. The guide also includes a chapter on partner stretches. The guide was made for Myötätuuli Learning Environment at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. In ad-dition to sports and leisure services, Myötätuuli offers services related to health promotion and support for managing to different types of clients of different ages. Instructors in Myötätuuli classes are mostly sports and nursing students from Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. In Myötätuuli close attention is paid to planning the instructions before classes. Sometimes it is time consuming for new students to find proper ex-ercises to be included in their plans. This guide can help students speed up their planning and can also be used as references for stretching exercises.
The purpose of this thesis was to develop a guide for Myötätuuli. The aim of the guide was to provide gen-eral information about stretching, contain theoretical background and explanations for different types of stretching exercises and give instructions for stretching exercises for different body muscles or muscle groups. The main target groups of the guide are older adults and partners: therefore, one of the tasks was to provide modifications for the exercises if possible. The guide is available as a PDF file, and it can be used by students at Myötätuuli when they make daily lesson plans and instruct classes.
The purpose of this thesis was to develop a guide for Myötätuuli. The aim of the guide was to provide gen-eral information about stretching, contain theoretical background and explanations for different types of stretching exercises and give instructions for stretching exercises for different body muscles or muscle groups. The main target groups of the guide are older adults and partners: therefore, one of the tasks was to provide modifications for the exercises if possible. The guide is available as a PDF file, and it can be used by students at Myötätuuli when they make daily lesson plans and instruct classes.