Project management in the implementation of a new functionality in a CRM system using the Scrum methodology
D Tikhomirova, Daria (2016)
D Tikhomirova, Daria
Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu
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The purpose of this study is to compare different methodologies of project management and on the basis of the research select the most appropriate methodology for the management of a project in development and implementation of a new functionality to an existing CRM sys-tem.
In the study the following models were considered: traditional waterfall model, iterative mod-el, spiral model, agile methodologies Extreme Programming, Scrum, Thrifty development, Feature driven development and Kanban.
On the basis of the analysis the methodology Scrum was chosen for project management in development of new functionality in the a CRM system, as well as features of using Scrum methodology were analyzed in details.
As a result of this study the IT project in development and implementation of new function-ality to an existing CRM system was presented. Project management process was reviewed from establishing customer requirements to the deployment to the Production Server. The results of the project were obtained and analyzed.
In the study the following models were considered: traditional waterfall model, iterative mod-el, spiral model, agile methodologies Extreme Programming, Scrum, Thrifty development, Feature driven development and Kanban.
On the basis of the analysis the methodology Scrum was chosen for project management in development of new functionality in the a CRM system, as well as features of using Scrum methodology were analyzed in details.
As a result of this study the IT project in development and implementation of new function-ality to an existing CRM system was presented. Project management process was reviewed from establishing customer requirements to the deployment to the Production Server. The results of the project were obtained and analyzed.