Färskvatten ombord
Svensson, Andrej (2016)
Svensson, Andrej
Yrkeshögskolan Novia
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Arbetet Färskvatten ombord behandlar i huvudsak dricksvatten ombord på fartyg. I och med att man globalt både bunkrar vatten men även producerar vatten ombord är kvaliten på dricksvattnet mycket varierande. Vilka problem och risker finns i färskvatten försörjningen? Normala smak ock luktproblem som även finns iland och därmed följer med till fartygen. Bakterier kan så klart förekomma men även akut förgiftande icke levande ämnen kan förekomma i vattnet ombord. Arbetet baserar sig på litteraturstudier och till viss del på praktisk genomgång på plats på fartyget M/S Finlandia. Finlandia anses i arbetet som en typisk passagerarfärja på norra österjön. This work “färskvatten ombord” (Fresh water onboard) deals mainly
with drinking water aboard ships. As ships globally, both bunkers water
but also produces water on board, the quality of drinking water is highly
variable. What problems and risks are in the fresh water supply? Normal
taste and odor problems of course, as ashore and thereby comply with
the vessels. Bacteria can occur but also acute poisoning non-living
substances may be present in the water on board. The work is based on
literature studies and to some extent practical examination in place on
the ship M / S Finlandia. Finlandia considered in the work as a typical
passenger ferry on the northern Baltic Sea.
with drinking water aboard ships. As ships globally, both bunkers water
but also produces water on board, the quality of drinking water is highly
variable. What problems and risks are in the fresh water supply? Normal
taste and odor problems of course, as ashore and thereby comply with
the vessels. Bacteria can occur but also acute poisoning non-living
substances may be present in the water on board. The work is based on
literature studies and to some extent practical examination in place on
the ship M / S Finlandia. Finlandia considered in the work as a typical
passenger ferry on the northern Baltic Sea.