Opinnäytetyöt (Avoin kokoelma)
Uusimmat viitteet
Kodlista och processbeskrivning för inmätning med maskinstyrning
(2024)Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en processbeskrivning och en kodlista för inmätning av punkter med maskinstyrning. Ett delsyfte var att reda ut vilka benämningssystem som redan finns och används. Arbetet ... -
Rakentamisen kosteudenhallinta
(2024)Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia kosteudenhallinnan menettelyjä rakentamisessa aina suunnitteluvaiheesta työmaatoteutukseen sekä rakennuksen ylläpitoon. Kosteudenhallinta on erittäin tärkeä osa laadunvarmistusta ... -
Nurses' Roles in the Prevention of childhood and adolescents obesity between the Ages of 6 to 18: a scoping study
(2024)Childhood and adolescents’ obesity is associated with numerous health problems and an increased risk of developing connected disorders later in life. The main cause of overweight and obesity is an energy imbalance between ... -
Reducing Hospital-acquired Infections in Intensive Care Units : systematic literature review
(2024)Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) remain a significant global health concern, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs). HAIs pose a persistent challenge in ICUs, impacting patient outcomes and healthcare costs. This ... -
Nurses' Perception of Pain Management in Neonatal Palliative Care
(2024)Neonatal palliative care, focusing on comfort and quality of life, necessitates effective pain management. Nurses play a crucial role, but their perceptions and experiences regarding pain management in end-of-life neonates ... -
Nurses’ Role in the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Critical Care Patients: A Scoping Review
(2024)Pressure ulcers are a widespread phenomenon that has continuously gulped millions of funding per annum from health sectors across nations. Globally, with an incidence rate of 12-25%, critical care patients remain one of ... -
Hospital Acquired Infection
(2024)Hospital acquired infections are serious burden on hospitals, leading to poor patient outcome, increased costs and capable of terminating life. This thesis examines the causes and factors causing it and how to prevent ... -
Nurses’ Role in Pain Assessment and Management in Pediatric Care : A systematic literature review
(2024)Pain is a universal human experience that profoundly affects physical, emotional and social well-being. Background: Many children suffer unnecessary pain in hospitals due to gaps in nurses' training and reliance on ... -
The Nursing Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Scoping Review
(2024)Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to explore nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) care across various healthcare settings. Method: Using the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice ... -
The Impact of Shift Work on the Well-Being of Nurses: A Systematic Literature Review
(2024)Shift work is essential in nursing due to the need for continuous patient care, ensuring that critical health services are available around the clock. However, the demands of shift work introduce substantial stressors for ... -
Loneliness Among Elderly in Nursing Care Homes : a scoping review
(2024)This study sought to establish the prevalence of loneliness among elderly residents in nursing care homes, identify the contributing factors, and explore effective interventions. This review is timely since the population ... -
Examining the Experiences of Nurses Providing End-of-Life Care: a systematic literature review
(2024)Nurses who provide palliative and end-of-life care encounter many emotional difficulties due to demanding nature of their work. This systematic literature review examines the experiences of nurses providing end-of-life ... -
The Role Of Service Design on Developing Sustainable Tourism Business in Sri Lanka, An Analysis Based on Nordic Travelers
(2024)This thesis employed the Double Diamond methodology to investigate the significance of service layout in fostering sustainable tourism companies in Sri Lanka, with a particular attention on Nordic tourists. As the tourism ... -
Nursing care and management for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in home care approach.
(2024)Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis (ALS), known to be Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a fatal neurological disease that attacks the motor nerves of the brain and spinal cord and affects the regulations of voluntary movement of muscle ... -
Improving the Quality of Life of Elderly Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease : A Systematic Literature Review
(2024)Alzheimer’s disease is a prevalent chronic disease among older adults that leads to cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment leads to functional disability and dependency in elderly people. Improving the quality of life ...