International Innovation Sprint Bridging the Sustainability Gap between Metropolitan Core and Peripheries
Hirvikoski, Tuija; Saastamoinen, Kaisla; Uitto, Mikael (2018)
Hirvikoski, Tuija
Saastamoinen, Kaisla
Uitto, Mikael
European Network of Living Labs
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Generally, RDI work takes place at the core of Metropolitan areas where the best innovation resources, Universities, and Research Institutions normally situate. At the same time, the periphery of Metropolitan that provides the core area with many vital resources can itself suffer from migration loss, brain drain, loss of jobs, and the many challenges related to ageing population and long distances or poor logistics. In this paper we aim to contribute to the discussions on the role of science, technology and innovation in society and particularly in making cities and communities inclusive, resilient and sustainable (UN SDG 11). We adopt perspectives and concepts from innovation literature and policy documents to introduce Innovation Sprint as an innovation intermediary tool. We explain how the sprints were designed and experimented first in Taiwan and then in Finland. In both cases, multidisciplinary and international Sprints were taken to a remote community to observe, understand, and then to co-create innovative solutions with and for the local stakeholders. We also discuss the ways the Sprint might bridge the sustainable development gaps between the urban, peri-urban and rural areas where the intensity of knowledge, technology, and monetary resources can vary substantially.