Finite Element Modelling of a High Strength Steel Tee Joint. Test Simulation.
Veresov, Philipp (2019)
Veresov, Philipp
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
HAMK Tech (formerly known as HAMK Sheet Metal Centre) commissioned
this Bachelor’s thesis in continuation of a research project of high strength
steel welded joints using SSAB’s Strenx line of products. The goal was to
create a finite element model of a tee joint test performed in the previous
Bachelor’s thesis of the project by Jimmy Giraldo.
The main body of the thesis describes the model creation process in LSDyna
and LS-PrePost, decisions made along the way (especially in the
definition of material properties) and mentions discarded options for
future reference. Plenty of references are given to previous Bachelor's
theses in the series, in order to weave them into continuing research and
to provide a solid foundation for further inquiries.
The overall results of the thesis are inconclusive. The created model seems
to be serving as a perfect model of tests described in Giraldo (2018).
However, more work will need to be done in order to reach a correlation
between tests and models. A few suggestions on how to proceed further
with the project are given in the conclusion.
this Bachelor’s thesis in continuation of a research project of high strength
steel welded joints using SSAB’s Strenx line of products. The goal was to
create a finite element model of a tee joint test performed in the previous
Bachelor’s thesis of the project by Jimmy Giraldo.
The main body of the thesis describes the model creation process in LSDyna
and LS-PrePost, decisions made along the way (especially in the
definition of material properties) and mentions discarded options for
future reference. Plenty of references are given to previous Bachelor's
theses in the series, in order to weave them into continuing research and
to provide a solid foundation for further inquiries.
The overall results of the thesis are inconclusive. The created model seems
to be serving as a perfect model of tests described in Giraldo (2018).
However, more work will need to be done in order to reach a correlation
between tests and models. A few suggestions on how to proceed further
with the project are given in the conclusion.