Developing Visionary Concepts for the Water Sector
Laitinen, Jukka; Meristö, Tarja (2019)
Laitinen, Jukka
Meristö, Tarja
Jarmo Vehmas & Riikka Saarimaa
Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku
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This paper is based on CIRCLE research project runningfrom September 2016 to November 2018 fi-nanced by ERDF, with the focus on the energy and nutrient recycling in the context of the water supply services. Laurea ́s FuturesLab CoFi reseach team has built alternative scenarios for the water supply services in long run as well as visionary concepts for water supply service business in general. We have applied scenario working and visionary concept design to find out new solutions for the water supply/de-mand problems faced both at the global level in the world and at the regional level in Finland, too.