Market Analysis
Sarlio-Siintola, Sari; Tammilehto, Tuomas (2019)
Sarlio-Siintola, Sari
Tammilehto, Tuomas
European commission
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This document presents the outcomes of the market analysis. The market itself is a polysemous and contested term. Market mean different things to different people. So does terms such as customer, end-user, stakeholder etc. This deliverable thus tries to encompass market analysis as a whole: it first introduce the market as geographical areas. Then after, the deliverable moves to presenting organisations, before widening the ye olde buying-selling concept into thinking of different business models and ecosystems. Finally the most pivotal countries are presented and analysed with pros and cons, before introducing existing competitors. By presenting the competitors, the RANGER value comes more visible: an integral part of any project’s desirable outcome.