Hybrid Threat and Information Influence in Connection with Security of Supply
Palletvuori, Tehi; Rajamäki, Jyri (2023)
Palletvuori, Tehi
Rajamäki, Jyri
Academic Conferences International Ltd
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Hybrid threat is a multidimensional and hard-to-detect activity. It includes a wide range of actions, from influencing information to the military means by which the hybrid actor achieves its goals. These goals can include weakening or even destroying the target. Security of supply means preparedness and continuity management actions, which aim to safeguard economic activities and related systems that are necessary for the population’s livelihood, the country’s economic life, and national defense in the event of exceptional conditions and comparable serious disruptions. Both hybrid threat and information influencing can disrupt the realization of the goals of security of supply. This work-in -progress paper proposes a framework, which consists of hybrid threat and its sub-classification, and information influencing as one of the means to implement hybrid threat. The framework also describes the security of supply and elements that are used to combat information influence and maintain the security of supply. In addition, the framework paper discusses what kind of elements measuring the maturity level of an organization’s prevention of information influence could consist of.