Nurses’ Roles in Preventing the Complications of Type 1 Diabetes among Adults.
Adejumo, Sheu Tijani (2023)
Adejumo, Sheu Tijani
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Objective: The aim of this review was to thoroughly and critically evaluate evidence on the role of nurses in preventing complications of type 1 diabetes, with the goal of enhancing nurses' knowledge and improving outcomes for individuals with type 1 diabetes.
Method: This study was conducted using a qualitative systematic literature review method. Electronic databases were used to source for articles published between 2013-2023. The theoretical framework was based on Imogene Kings theory and Katie Erikssons theory.
Result: The 8 papers analysed for this research highlighted nurse’s significance in preventing complications of type 1 diabetes. Most studies branded nurses as educators, supporters, collaborators while making pointers to their significance in insulin therapy and health promotion through attentive diet.
Conclusion: this study concludes that interpersonal relationship between the nurse and individuals with type 1 diabetes is a key component to improve patients’ quality of life.
Method: This study was conducted using a qualitative systematic literature review method. Electronic databases were used to source for articles published between 2013-2023. The theoretical framework was based on Imogene Kings theory and Katie Erikssons theory.
Result: The 8 papers analysed for this research highlighted nurse’s significance in preventing complications of type 1 diabetes. Most studies branded nurses as educators, supporters, collaborators while making pointers to their significance in insulin therapy and health promotion through attentive diet.
Conclusion: this study concludes that interpersonal relationship between the nurse and individuals with type 1 diabetes is a key component to improve patients’ quality of life.
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