A system responsible’s possibilities to affect the size of a system’s carbon footprint
Nyrhilä, Elviira (2024)
Nyrhilä, Elviira
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The purpose of this thesis was to discover ways with which a system responsible could affect the size of the carbon footprint the system produces. The thesis was done to detect areas in the Hotel Design Department in which sustainability could be improved in, focusing on the role of a system responsible. Parts of the thesis are not included in the public version.
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on sustainability, standards, permits and carbon footprint assessment methods. The intention of the theoretical part is to give background to the topics that are discussed during the research part.
As a result of the thesis, suggestions of development are given out and areas that need further consideration are presented. In addition, suggestions for additions to the work instructions of a system responsible are given. Based on the results it can be stated that there are still areas in which sustainability factors have not been fully considered and where there is still a need for improvement.
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on sustainability, standards, permits and carbon footprint assessment methods. The intention of the theoretical part is to give background to the topics that are discussed during the research part.
As a result of the thesis, suggestions of development are given out and areas that need further consideration are presented. In addition, suggestions for additions to the work instructions of a system responsible are given. Based on the results it can be stated that there are still areas in which sustainability factors have not been fully considered and where there is still a need for improvement.