Tillämpning av GAS-metoden i talterapi : en kvalitativ intervjustudie
Heinström, Natalie (2024)
Heinström, Natalie
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Mål är en central egenskap inom modern rehabilitering. Målsättning ger förbättrade kliniska resultat och leder till bland annat en mer personcentrerad rehabilitering, ökad klientmotivation samt en bättre kommunikation mellan klienter, familjer och vårdpersonal. Detta lärdomsprov är ett beställningsarbete från Folkhälsan. Syftet med studien är att utreda hur talterapeuter upplevt användningen av GAS-metoden samt deras GAS-idébank. GAS metoden används inom nästan alla FPA:s rehabiliteringstjänster och är ett verktyg som rekommenderas för rehabilitering i Finland. För att samla in data användes en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där sammanlagt tre respondenter deltog. Intervjuerna utfördes vid olika tillfällen på distans. Resultatet visar att GAS-metoden är inte helt utarbetad för talterapi. Metoden är svårt mätbar, tidskrävande och det kan vara utmanande att mäta hela habiliteringen då små målsättningar görs inom metoden. GAS-idébanken är ett bra verktyg för talterapeuter med mindre arbetserfarenhet eller vid ett nytt område. Den är dock svår att översätta från finska till svenska och anses vara snäv med fördefinierade mål. GAS-metoden borde utvecklas ytterligare inom talterapin. GAS-idébanken kunde översättas till svenska från finska för att undvika grammatikfel och missuppfattningar samt bli mer tidseffektiv. Den kunde även göras tillgänglig för talterapeuter att editera och lägga till mål
som visats vara effektiva i talterapipraxisen. Goals are a key feature of modern rehabilitation. Goal setting provides improved clinical re sults and leads to, among other things, a more person-centred rehabilitation, increased client motivation and better communication between clients, families and healthcare professionals. This thesis was commissioned by Folkhälsan. The purpose of this study is to investigate how
speech therapists experienced the use of the GAS-method and their GAS idea bank. The GAS method is used in almost all Kela's rehabilitation services and is a tool recommended for re habilitation in Finland. To collect data, a qualitative method was used with semi-structured interviews where a total of three respondents participated. The interviews were conducted remotely on various occasions. The results show that the GAS method is not fully developed for speech therapy. The method is difficult to measure, time-consuming and it can be chal lenging to measure the entire habilitation as small goals are made within the method. The GAS idea bank is a good tool for speech therapists with less work experience or in a new field. However, it is difficult to translate from Finnish to Swedish and is considered narrow with predefined goals. The GAS method should be further developed in speech therapy. The GAS idea bank could be translated into Swedish from Finnish to avoid grammar mistakes and misconceptions and to be more time efficient. It could also be made available for speech therapists to edit and add goals that have been shown to be effective in speech therapy practice.
som visats vara effektiva i talterapipraxisen.
speech therapists experienced the use of the GAS-method and their GAS idea bank. The GAS method is used in almost all Kela's rehabilitation services and is a tool recommended for re habilitation in Finland. To collect data, a qualitative method was used with semi-structured interviews where a total of three respondents participated. The interviews were conducted remotely on various occasions. The results show that the GAS method is not fully developed for speech therapy. The method is difficult to measure, time-consuming and it can be chal lenging to measure the entire habilitation as small goals are made within the method. The GAS idea bank is a good tool for speech therapists with less work experience or in a new field. However, it is difficult to translate from Finnish to Swedish and is considered narrow with predefined goals. The GAS method should be further developed in speech therapy. The GAS idea bank could be translated into Swedish from Finnish to avoid grammar mistakes and misconceptions and to be more time efficient. It could also be made available for speech therapists to edit and add goals that have been shown to be effective in speech therapy practice.