Computer Aided Engineering in Structural Design : Trends and challanges in data processing
Klevanaia, Olesia (2016)
Klevanaia, Olesia
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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The purpose of this thesis was to study the impact of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) methods, which substantially grew in significance over the last several decades, on structural design process. The goal of this study was to evaluate degree of the impacts using data processing issues as an example.
The methods used in this study included literature review and performance assessment of such computational tools used in structural design as Autodesk Revit and Robot Structural Analysis. The studied literature covered sources on conventional structural design, as well as papers on the latest advancements in computational structural engineering. The per-formance assessment involved the steel frame structures analysed with the programs mentioned above.
As a result, it could be seen that smooth data transfer and integration of the computer pro-grams in the design process substantially facilitated delivery of the structural design for the construction project. The same statement is true for such computer-facilitated tools as modeling, analysis and optimization.
Nonetheless, the minor issues that were discovered in the use of the programs suggested that many improvements should be made. Open modeling and optimization of transferred data in particular seemed like relevant topics to consider.
The methods used in this study included literature review and performance assessment of such computational tools used in structural design as Autodesk Revit and Robot Structural Analysis. The studied literature covered sources on conventional structural design, as well as papers on the latest advancements in computational structural engineering. The per-formance assessment involved the steel frame structures analysed with the programs mentioned above.
As a result, it could be seen that smooth data transfer and integration of the computer pro-grams in the design process substantially facilitated delivery of the structural design for the construction project. The same statement is true for such computer-facilitated tools as modeling, analysis and optimization.
Nonetheless, the minor issues that were discovered in the use of the programs suggested that many improvements should be made. Open modeling and optimization of transferred data in particular seemed like relevant topics to consider.