Maharjan, Manju (2018)
Maharjan, Manju
Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
All rights reserved
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The conventional method of keeping records in any business is very time consuming and tedious. Hence, the use of modern technology is on the rise. As a result, desktop and mobile applications are becoming popular among the users.
The main goal of this application was to develop a desktop inventory management system for an organization. This desktop based application is designed to
administerthe employees of an organization and its stock of inventories. This desktop based IMS is an automated system that can handle the information about the
organization’s employees, like their start and end times of work, their daily total working hours, monthly total working hours and stock left in the store.
This application allows the admin to view the working employees of the day, their starting times and as well as ending time. The admin can add or remove employees, add new inventories, view the details of anemployee’s like name, contact address, phone number andmonthly salary. Netbeans IDE 8.0.2 was used for the front end and MySQL database was used to store the data for developing this application.
The main goal of this application was to develop a desktop inventory management system for an organization. This desktop based application is designed to
administerthe employees of an organization and its stock of inventories. This desktop based IMS is an automated system that can handle the information about the
organization’s employees, like their start and end times of work, their daily total working hours, monthly total working hours and stock left in the store.
This application allows the admin to view the working employees of the day, their starting times and as well as ending time. The admin can add or remove employees, add new inventories, view the details of anemployee’s like name, contact address, phone number andmonthly salary. Netbeans IDE 8.0.2 was used for the front end and MySQL database was used to store the data for developing this application.