CI test automation system for SW4STM32 IDE and ARM Mbed CLI exporter tools
Porrassalmi, Veli-Pekka (2018)
Porrassalmi, Veli-Pekka
Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
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The aim of this thesis was to design a CI test automation system to automatically verify integrity between the SW4STM32 IDE and ARM’s Mbed CLI exporter tools. The thesis was commissioned by Etteplan Oyj as a part of the SW4STM32 IDE maintenance project. Another aim of the thesis was to provide Etteplan with a Jenkins tests server to be utilized in other projects as well.
The integrity was verified every time ARM released a new version of their Mbed OS. To automate the verification process, a Python test script was written. The Python test script implemented the core features required by the verification process. A Jenkins server was hosted to provide remote access to the test system for Etteplan’s employees. The Jenkins server offered simple user interface to initiate test runs and to access HTML test reports and log files from the test runs. The Jenkins server also sent email notifications to the defined employees after every test run.
The integrity was verified every time ARM released a new version of their Mbed OS. To automate the verification process, a Python test script was written. The Python test script implemented the core features required by the verification process. A Jenkins server was hosted to provide remote access to the test system for Etteplan’s employees. The Jenkins server offered simple user interface to initiate test runs and to access HTML test reports and log files from the test runs. The Jenkins server also sent email notifications to the defined employees after every test run.