Reusing Waste Heat from Cryptocurrency Mining to Heat Multi-Family House
Nguyen, Tri; Hoang, Anh (2018)
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The objective of this thesis was to find solutions for reusing waste heat from cryptocurrency mining process to supply the heating demand in Finnish detached house. The focus of the study was on identifying and proposing suitable and optimal technologies to integrate systems. The proposed technologies were tested in a practical case to strengthen its capabilities and possibilities. Since mining cryptocurrency creates a lot of waste heat and Finland requires a lot of heating supply in cold period, this study provided useful information and optimal solutions for this problem.
To achieve its objective, this study reviewed the Finnish heating system and market, and provided information about heating and cooling technologies. Then, the concept of cryptocurrency and its mining process were introduced to give a brief understanding of the problem. Later, integrating solutions were analyzed from existing strategies and innovative suggestions. The practical case was the Hyrsylä Co-housing project in Lohja. The targets were to calculate the building heating demand by IDA ICE and identify the possible number of mining rigs to supply the heating demand of the project. Some practical solutions were suggested to avoid the overheating problem in the summer.
As a result of this project, three possible solutions were presented for using the waste heat from cryptocurrency mining process and sufficient information related to heating and cooling technologies, cryptocurrency concept and mining technologies. It was possible to reuse heat from two mining rigs to supply the domestic hot water consumption in the project.
To achieve its objective, this study reviewed the Finnish heating system and market, and provided information about heating and cooling technologies. Then, the concept of cryptocurrency and its mining process were introduced to give a brief understanding of the problem. Later, integrating solutions were analyzed from existing strategies and innovative suggestions. The practical case was the Hyrsylä Co-housing project in Lohja. The targets were to calculate the building heating demand by IDA ICE and identify the possible number of mining rigs to supply the heating demand of the project. Some practical solutions were suggested to avoid the overheating problem in the summer.
As a result of this project, three possible solutions were presented for using the waste heat from cryptocurrency mining process and sufficient information related to heating and cooling technologies, cryptocurrency concept and mining technologies. It was possible to reuse heat from two mining rigs to supply the domestic hot water consumption in the project.