EU’s approach to Use of Forest Biomass and Forestry in Nepal for Climate Change and Mitigation Factors
Pant, Aroma (2018)
Pant, Aroma
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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Biomass energy has a huge share in Nepalese primary energy consumption. Traditional practice of biomass usage is still practised in rural parts of Nepal though, its negative impact is well-known. On the positive note, efficient use of biomass can reduce impacts of traditional biomass usage and create energy security. Forest biomass has a huge share in the total biomass for energy use and it is very important to develop forestry sector for socioeconomic and environmental prospect.
Forest in Nepal covers approximately 39.6% of the total land area in Nepal. Different approaches have been taken in Nepal for the Sustainable forest management practises. The most important provision issued in the Forest Act by Government of Nepal is Master Plan for the Forestry Sector and there are many programmes under forest management practises in Nepal. Community- based forest management practise has been one of the best possible solutions for forestry development in Nepal and has been successfully implemented in 38.5% of the total forest area in Nepal. Different steps have been taken in EU for Sustainable Forest Management and Nepalese forestry can make a considerable leap by learning from EU forest sector. EU approach such as commercialization of forestry sector, innovation in forestry, proper forest information system could be beneficial for Sustainable Forest Management in Nepal.
Number of effects of climate change have been observed and is a challenging threat throughout the globe. Nepal has also faced numerous weather disaster events as a result of climate change. The variation in topography and social vulnerability has made Nepal more sensitive to different climate-related disasters and geological disasters. Climate change mitigation through forestry is an effective approach and Nepal has also been trying to combat climate change through forestry with joint effort of EU and other countries.
Forest in Nepal covers approximately 39.6% of the total land area in Nepal. Different approaches have been taken in Nepal for the Sustainable forest management practises. The most important provision issued in the Forest Act by Government of Nepal is Master Plan for the Forestry Sector and there are many programmes under forest management practises in Nepal. Community- based forest management practise has been one of the best possible solutions for forestry development in Nepal and has been successfully implemented in 38.5% of the total forest area in Nepal. Different steps have been taken in EU for Sustainable Forest Management and Nepalese forestry can make a considerable leap by learning from EU forest sector. EU approach such as commercialization of forestry sector, innovation in forestry, proper forest information system could be beneficial for Sustainable Forest Management in Nepal.
Number of effects of climate change have been observed and is a challenging threat throughout the globe. Nepal has also faced numerous weather disaster events as a result of climate change. The variation in topography and social vulnerability has made Nepal more sensitive to different climate-related disasters and geological disasters. Climate change mitigation through forestry is an effective approach and Nepal has also been trying to combat climate change through forestry with joint effort of EU and other countries.