- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Julkaisut

    • Donerpolku-koulutuksella pyritään kehittämään elinluovutuskoulutusta Suomessa 

      Blomqvist, Kati; Hietanen, Heli; Mulder, Riikka (Suomen tehohoitoyhdistys, 2015)
      Tämä artikkeli käsittelee Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirissä luotua Donorpolku-koulutusta, jonka tavoitteena on lisätä terveydenhuoltohenkilöstön tietoa elinluovutuksesta, elinluovuttajan hoidosta ja elinsiirtop ...
    • Double Objective in Mind: Translating American Management Ideas in the Context of Cold War Finland 

      Seppälä, Jarmo; Nevalainen, Pasi; Mattila, Pekka; Laukkanen, Mikko (Oxford University Press, 2021)
      The transfer of American management ideas was a central part of the Cold War struggle over ideologies. A key mediator was the European Recovery Program, which conveyed American influences to European management specialists. ...
    • Draamatarinat opetuksessa - vinkkejä lasten draamakasvatukseen 

      Hagman, Anu; Eskelinen, Anne
      Laurea Julkaisut (Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2019)
      Tässä kirjassa kuvataan käytännönläheisesti, miten lasten kanssa voi käyttää tarinallisuutta ja draamatyöskentelyä erilaisten teemojen, kuten kaveritaitojen, erilaisuuden tai tunnetaitojen käsittelyyn. Kirjassa esitellään ...
    • Dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien näkökulma korkeakoulun monitoimijaiseen yhteistyöhön 

      Ellonen, Hanna-Kaisa
      Laurea julkaisut / Laurea publications (Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2021)
      Strategisen johtamisen tutkimus on kiinnostunut siitä, miksi jokin tietty yritys, organisaatio tai vaikkapa verkosto, menestyy paremmin kuin kilpailijansa. Selitystä on vuosikymmenten aikana etsitty niin dominoivasta ...
    • E-commerce platforms. Guide for selecting an e-commerce platform 

      Oosi, Matti
      Laurean erillisjulkaisut / Laurea Miscellaneous publications (Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu, 2023)
      It is a good idea to proceed with care when selecting an e-commerce platform. A wide range of potential e commerce platforms are available. It is therefore important to define the requirements for the e-commerce business ...
    • Early Nurse Management Experiences from Finnish COVID-19 Hubs: An In-Action Review 

      Nevala, Mari S.; Vuorela, Satu (MDPI AG, 2022)
      Primary healthcare (PHC) clinics are the point of access for many COVID-19 patients; however, the focus of crisis response work has been in securing hospital capacities. The purpose of this study was to describe the early ...
    • ECHO Cyber-Skills Framework as a Cyber-Skills Education and Training Tool in Health and Medical Tourism 

      Beltempo, Eleonora; Karvonen, Jussi; Rajamäki, Jyri (Academic Conferences International Limited, 2022)
      The ECHO Horizon 2020 Project develops a European cybersecurity ecosystem. One of its assets is the ECHO Cyber-Skills Framework (ECSF). This work in progress paper aims to improve cybersecurity education and training in ...
    • ECHO Early Warning System as a Preventive Tool against Cybercrime in the Energy Sector 

      Almén, Casper; Hagström, Nicholas; Rajamäki, Jyri (Procon Ltd, 2022)
      The purpose of this case study is to bring lessons learned from the ECHO pro-ject to the DYNAMO project in the energy sector. The main research question is how to understand the ECHO Early Warning System as a tool for the ...
    • ECHO Federated Cyber Range as a Tool for Validating SHAPES Services 

      Rajamäki, Jyri; Ruoslahti, Harri (Academic Conferences International, 2021)
      ECHO is a cybersecurity pilot project under the H2020 Program. The ECHO Federated Cyber Range (E-FCR) provides enabling technology supporting ECHO Network operations, ensuring a safe and reliable multi-sector simulation ...
    • ECHO Information sharing models 

      Rajamäki, Jyri (European commission, 2019)
      As part of the ECHO project, the Early Warning System (EWS) is one of four technologies under development. The E-EWS will provide the capability to share information to provide up to date information to all constituents ...
    • ECIL 2017 : Vuoroveden voimaa, uusia ajatuksia ja hedelmällistä yhteistyötä 

      Aho, Hanna-Riina; Lahtinen, Hanna; Hakala, Hellevi (AMKIT-konsortio, 2017)
      Viides ECIL konferenssi järjestettiin tänä vuonna Saint Malossa, Ranskassa. Konferenssin teemana oli informaatiolukutaito työpaikoilla. ECIL kirjainyhdistelmä tarkoittaa European Conference on Information Literacy. ...
    • Edistetäänkö virtuaaliohjauksella opiskelijan opinnäytetyöprosessia? 

      Heinonen, Johanna (Arene ry, 2016)
      Kesällä 2015 Laureassa kokeiltiin virtuaalista opinnäytetyön kesäohjausta KesäONTia. Käytännössä KesäONT koostui sarjasta webinaareja, joissa opiskelijoiden oli mahdollisuus esitellä työtään, opponoida muita töitä tai vain ...
    • Editorial : Innovation in Living Labs 

      McPhee, Chris; Schuurman, Dmitri; Ballon, Pieter; Leminen, Seppo; Westerlund, Mika (Talent First Network, 2017)
      Welcome to the January 2017 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review – the first of two issues on the theme of Innovation in Living Labs. It is my pleasure to introduce our guest editors: Dimitri ...
    • Editorial : innovation in Living Labs 

      McPhee, Chris; Leminen, Seppo; Westerlund, Mika; Schuurman, Dmitri; Ballon, Pieter (Talent First Network, 2017)
      Welcome to the February issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review – the second of two issues on the theme of Innovation in Living Labs. It is my pleasure to introduce our guest editors: Seppo Leminen ...
    • Editorial : Living Labs and User Innovation 

      McPhee, Chris; Leminen, Seppo; Schuurman, Dimitri; Westerlund, Mika; Huizingh, Eelko (Talent First Network (Carleton University), 2015)
      Welcome to the December 2015 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review – the first of two issues on the theme of Living Labs and User Innovation. It is my pleasure introduce our guest editors for December and ...
    • Editorial : Living Labs 

      McPhee, Chris; Leminen, Seppo; Westerlund, Mika (Talent First Network (Carleton University), 2013)
      Welcome to the November issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. This month’s theme is Living Labs, and it is my pleasure to welcome our guest editors, Seppo Leminen, Principal Lecturer at the Laurea University ...
    • Editorial : Living Labs 

      McPhee, Chris; Westerlund, Mika; Leminen, Seppo (Talent First Network (Carleton University), 2012)
      Welcome to the September issue of the TIM Review. This month’s theme is Living Labs and it is my pleasure to welcome our guest editors, Mika Westerlund, Assistant Professor at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business ...
    • Editorial : Living Labs and User Innovation 

      McPhee, Chris; Leminen, Seppo; Schuurman, Dimitri; Westerlund, Mika; Huizingh, Eelko (Talent First Network (Carleton University), 2016)
      Welcome to the January 2016 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review – the second of two issues on the theme of Living Labs and User Innovation. It is my pleasure welcome back our guest editors for December and ...
    • Editorial : Smart Cities and Regions 

      McPhee, Chris; Tukiainen, Taina; Leminen, Seppo; Westerlund, Mika (Talent First Network (Carleton University), 2016)
      Welcome to the December 2016 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. In this issue, we revisit the theme of Smart Cities and Regions, and it is my pleasure to welcome back our three guest editors: Taina ...
    • Editorial : Smart Cities and Regions 

      McPhee, Chris; Tukiainen, Taina; Leminen, Seppo; Westerlund, Mika (Talent First Network (Carleton University), 2015)
      Welcome to the October 2015 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. The editorial theme of this issue is Smart Cities and Regions, and it is my pleasure welcome our three guest editors: Taina Tukiainen, Senior ...