Water consumption study of reverse osmosis filtration at Valio Lapinlahti dairy
Hynynen, Joni (2019)
Hynynen, Joni
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Valio Ltd has launched an energy and resource reducing project the target of which is to reduce 20% of all energy and resource consumption. Inspired of that, Valio Lapinlahti have started a pilot project of a water consumption determining and process water consumption optimization. Process water consumption optimizing project target is to reduce water consumption and set an optimal consumption level for a self-learning real time monitoring system. The monitoring system is aimed to minimize water loss caused from process errors like leakages. The monitoring system enables instant response to process errors and helps locating errors more accurately.
This thesis was commissioned by the Valio Lapinlahti plant. The target of this thesis was to chart the current level of water consumption, estimate potential water saving actions and create repeatable instructions of the charting process. The pilot target of this project was the reverse osmosis filtration process (RO) in the milk reception section at Valio Lapinlahti. Goal was to have an analysed flow measurement period, which presents current consumption level of each process sequence of the RO filtration. Actions to reduce water consumption were considered during the charting process.
Charting was done by studying the pilot target with existing materials of the target and getting familiar with the target by field investigations and making notes of the process in the control room. The target was charted by flow charts, field investigations and flow measurements. Data analysis was executed by measuring water inflow to RO filtration and connecting water data to existing sequence data. Data were presented in graphical form to observe typical water consumption level of specific process sequence and to detect any abnormalties of water consumption. Saving potential was calculated and estimated by using water footprint.
The results of this thesis were water inflow data analysis, estimation of the saving potential and instructions of the charting process. Actions to reduce water consumption were also considired. The results presented a method to investigate the current state of the water consumption.
This thesis was commissioned by the Valio Lapinlahti plant. The target of this thesis was to chart the current level of water consumption, estimate potential water saving actions and create repeatable instructions of the charting process. The pilot target of this project was the reverse osmosis filtration process (RO) in the milk reception section at Valio Lapinlahti. Goal was to have an analysed flow measurement period, which presents current consumption level of each process sequence of the RO filtration. Actions to reduce water consumption were considered during the charting process.
Charting was done by studying the pilot target with existing materials of the target and getting familiar with the target by field investigations and making notes of the process in the control room. The target was charted by flow charts, field investigations and flow measurements. Data analysis was executed by measuring water inflow to RO filtration and connecting water data to existing sequence data. Data were presented in graphical form to observe typical water consumption level of specific process sequence and to detect any abnormalties of water consumption. Saving potential was calculated and estimated by using water footprint.
The results of this thesis were water inflow data analysis, estimation of the saving potential and instructions of the charting process. Actions to reduce water consumption were also considired. The results presented a method to investigate the current state of the water consumption.