Englannin oppiminen käy kuin tanssi - vai käykö?
Kraama, Marita (2019)
Kraama, Marita
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Tutkimukseni taustalla on kiinnostukseni kehittää Enkkutanssi-opas, jota luokanopettajat voivat hyödyntää englannin opettamisessa ensimmäisellä luokalla tammikuusta 2020 lähtien. Minua kiinnostaa saada oppilaat liikkumaan koulupäivän aikana. Toimeksiantajani on Taatilan alakoulu Liedossa.
Opinnäytetyöni tavoite on tutkia tanssin vaikutusta englannin oppimisessa ensimmäisellä luokalla. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä kuvaan aivojen ja kognitiivisen oppimisen välistä suhdetta motorisen kehityksen ja musiikin näkökulmasta. Tarkastelen, miten musiikki ja tanssi vaikuttavat aivoihin, verenkieroon ja hormoneihin ja kuinka ne vaikuttavat oppimiseen.
Opinnäytetyöni on toiminnallinen tuotekehityshanke. Tutkimukseni on kvalitatiivinen. Tiedonkeruumenetelmiäni ovat osallistuva havainnointi, ryhmähaastattelut ja videoinnit. Aineistonani ovat lasten piirustukset, palautelomakkeet, mielipidekysely, sanakoe, valokuvat, video- ja haastattelutallenteet.
Tutkimukseni loppupäätelmä on, että oppilaat oppivat englantia tanssin avulla, koska liikunta, tanssi ja musiikki vaikuttivat hyvän olon hormoneihin, aineenvaihduntaan ja lisäsivät oppilaiden keskittymiskykyä, vireystasoa, tarkkaavaisuutta, motivaatiota ja muistitoimintoja.
Voin hyödyntää tutkimustuloksia sekä suunnittelemalla Enkkutanssi-oppaan ja koulutuksen että kouluttamalla ensimmäisen luokan opettajia käyttämään tanssia englannin opetuksessa.
The purpose of this thesis was to study whether dance has an effect on learning English among first grade pupils. The theoretical framework describes the beneficial influence of music and physical exercise on the brain and cognitive learning. This study also examined the effects motor skills development and dance had on the brain, blood circulation and hormones.
The background for this Bachelor´s thesis was based upon my personal interest and motivation to get pupils to move during the school day and to create a manual Learn English Through Dance for first grade teachers. According to the new core curriculum as of January 2020, it will become obligatory for first grade pupils to study a foreign language. This work was commissioned by Taatila School in Lieto.
This thesis was a functional product development project. The descriptive research methodology was qualitative. The data collection methods included participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and videos. The data consisted of pupils’ drawings, feedback forms, an opinion poll, a word exam, photographs, a video, and interview recordings.
The study results indicated that pupils learned English through dancing because physical exercise, dance and music influenced metabolism, hormones that created a sense of well-being, and blood circulation. Therefore, the pupils’ ability to concentrate, to be attentive, and to remember was increased.
These findings can be utilized by developing and planning the manual Learn English Through Dance. These study results benefit the education system by educating first grade teachers to use dance in teaching English. The purpose of this thesis was to study whether dance has an effect on learning English among first grade pupils. The theoretical framework describes the beneficial influence of music and physical exercise on the brain and cognitive learning. This study also examined the effects motor skills development and dance had on the brain, blood circulation and hormones.
The background for this Bachelor´s thesis was based upon my personal interest and motivation to get pupils to move during the school day and to create a manual Learn English Through Dance for first grade teachers. According to the new core curriculum as of January 2020, it will become obligatory for first grade pupils to study a foreign language. This work was commissioned by Taatila School in Lieto.
This thesis was a functional product development project. The descriptive research methodology was qualitative. The data collection methods included participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and videos. The data consisted of pupils’ drawings, feedback forms, an opinion poll, a word exam, photographs, a video, and interview recordings.
The study results indicated that pupils learned English through dancing because physical exercise, dance and music influenced metabolism, hormones that created a sense of well-being, and blood circulation. Therefore, the pupils’ ability to concentrate, to be attentive, and to remember was increased.
These findings can be utilized by developing and planning the manual Learn English Through Dance. These study results benefit the education system by educating first grade teachers to use dance in teaching English.
Opinnäytetyöni tavoite on tutkia tanssin vaikutusta englannin oppimisessa ensimmäisellä luokalla. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä kuvaan aivojen ja kognitiivisen oppimisen välistä suhdetta motorisen kehityksen ja musiikin näkökulmasta. Tarkastelen, miten musiikki ja tanssi vaikuttavat aivoihin, verenkieroon ja hormoneihin ja kuinka ne vaikuttavat oppimiseen.
Opinnäytetyöni on toiminnallinen tuotekehityshanke. Tutkimukseni on kvalitatiivinen. Tiedonkeruumenetelmiäni ovat osallistuva havainnointi, ryhmähaastattelut ja videoinnit. Aineistonani ovat lasten piirustukset, palautelomakkeet, mielipidekysely, sanakoe, valokuvat, video- ja haastattelutallenteet.
Tutkimukseni loppupäätelmä on, että oppilaat oppivat englantia tanssin avulla, koska liikunta, tanssi ja musiikki vaikuttivat hyvän olon hormoneihin, aineenvaihduntaan ja lisäsivät oppilaiden keskittymiskykyä, vireystasoa, tarkkaavaisuutta, motivaatiota ja muistitoimintoja.
Voin hyödyntää tutkimustuloksia sekä suunnittelemalla Enkkutanssi-oppaan ja koulutuksen että kouluttamalla ensimmäisen luokan opettajia käyttämään tanssia englannin opetuksessa.
The purpose of this thesis was to study whether dance has an effect on learning English among first grade pupils. The theoretical framework describes the beneficial influence of music and physical exercise on the brain and cognitive learning. This study also examined the effects motor skills development and dance had on the brain, blood circulation and hormones.
The background for this Bachelor´s thesis was based upon my personal interest and motivation to get pupils to move during the school day and to create a manual Learn English Through Dance for first grade teachers. According to the new core curriculum as of January 2020, it will become obligatory for first grade pupils to study a foreign language. This work was commissioned by Taatila School in Lieto.
This thesis was a functional product development project. The descriptive research methodology was qualitative. The data collection methods included participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and videos. The data consisted of pupils’ drawings, feedback forms, an opinion poll, a word exam, photographs, a video, and interview recordings.
The study results indicated that pupils learned English through dancing because physical exercise, dance and music influenced metabolism, hormones that created a sense of well-being, and blood circulation. Therefore, the pupils’ ability to concentrate, to be attentive, and to remember was increased.
These findings can be utilized by developing and planning the manual Learn English Through Dance. These study results benefit the education system by educating first grade teachers to use dance in teaching English.
The background for this Bachelor´s thesis was based upon my personal interest and motivation to get pupils to move during the school day and to create a manual Learn English Through Dance for first grade teachers. According to the new core curriculum as of January 2020, it will become obligatory for first grade pupils to study a foreign language. This work was commissioned by Taatila School in Lieto.
This thesis was a functional product development project. The descriptive research methodology was qualitative. The data collection methods included participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and videos. The data consisted of pupils’ drawings, feedback forms, an opinion poll, a word exam, photographs, a video, and interview recordings.
The study results indicated that pupils learned English through dancing because physical exercise, dance and music influenced metabolism, hormones that created a sense of well-being, and blood circulation. Therefore, the pupils’ ability to concentrate, to be attentive, and to remember was increased.
These findings can be utilized by developing and planning the manual Learn English Through Dance. These study results benefit the education system by educating first grade teachers to use dance in teaching English.