Biodegradability Test for Packaging Materials
Aryal, Rabin (2019)
Aryal, Rabin
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Conventional plastics that are used in packages do not biodegrade and cause environmental pollution. Because of this there is a need to replace these with biodegradable packages. Therefore, there has been rise in biodegradable packaging materials and standards to check the biodegradability.
This thesis defines biodegradation and composability, and standards related to them. The difference and misunderstanding between biodegradable and compostable is discussed. Also, biodegradable packaging materials and their trends are also presented.
A design of a test environment for checking the biodegradability of packaging materials is presented according to the standard EN14046 which is followed by the step by step process on doing the experiment. A small laboratory test is conducted to have a basic idea of doing a biodegradability test. The information is essential in constructing a real test environment and doing the test which maybe a next project.
This thesis defines biodegradation and composability, and standards related to them. The difference and misunderstanding between biodegradable and compostable is discussed. Also, biodegradable packaging materials and their trends are also presented.
A design of a test environment for checking the biodegradability of packaging materials is presented according to the standard EN14046 which is followed by the step by step process on doing the experiment. A small laboratory test is conducted to have a basic idea of doing a biodegradability test. The information is essential in constructing a real test environment and doing the test which maybe a next project.
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