CITYZER Observation Network and Data Delivery System
Schmidt, Walter; Harri, Ari-Matti; Nousiainen, Timo; Hohti, Harri; Johansson, Lasse; Ojanperä, Olli; Viitala, Erkki; Niemi, Jarkko; Turpeinen, Jani; Saukko, Erkka; Rönkkö, Topi; Lahti, Pekka (2020)
Schmidt, Walter
Harri, Ari-Matti
Nousiainen, Timo
Hohti, Harri
Johansson, Lasse
Ojanperä, Olli
Viitala, Erkki
Niemi, Jarkko
Turpeinen, Jani
Saukko, Erkka
Rönkkö, Topi
Lahti, Pekka
Copernicus Publ.
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CITYZER develops new digital services and prod-ucts to support decision-making processes related to weatherand air quality in cities. This includes, for example, earlywarnings and forecasts (0–24 h), which allow for avoidingweather-related accidents, mitigate human distress and costsfrom weather-related damage and bad air quality, and gen-erally improve the resilience and safety of the society. Theproject takes advantage of the latest scientific know-how anddirectly exploits the expertise obtained from earlier projects.Central to the project is the Observation Network ManagerNM10 developed by Vaisala, on which CITYZER definesand builds new commercial services and connects new sen-sor networks, for example, for air quality measurements, aswell as the ENFUSER local-scale air quality modelling sys-tem developed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, forreal-time air quality forecasts and nowcasts