Agile Testing : How a Tester’s Role Is Changing in Software Development Projects
Mehtälä, Virpi (2012)
Mehtälä, Virpi
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Software production has changed in recent years to meet the need of getting the products faster to markets. A big challenge is to find the most suitable people for the agile development work.
To change the way of doing projects, the agile does not happen only by request. On the other hand, markets require fast and flexible changes. This dilemma raised a question of what kind of people can survive best in this change. As the Agile methods were taken into use in software development, a fear was emerged that testing work is too expensive to survive in western countries.
The objective of this thesis work was to study literature to find out what kind of people are needed as software testers in the agile development framework and how these people can be recruited.
Agile software development includes testing as a part of the development, not as a separate phase of the developing work. Testing is not necessarily visible in the organizational chart, but the actual work is still there, and its importance for the development work is bigger than ever. Moreover, the same reason why there was a need for dedicated testers earlier is still valid.
There is still an open question how to train these valuable testers to meet the present and forthcoming requests. The school system does not provide much, and training inside the companies is limited.
Software production has changed in recent years to meet the need of getting the products faster to markets. A big challenge is to find the most suitable people for the agile development work.
To change the way of doing projects, the agile does not happen only by request. On the other hand, markets require fast and flexible changes. This dilemma raised a question of what kind of people can survive best in this change. As the Agile methods were taken into use in software development, a fear was emerged that testing work is too expensive to survive in western countries.
The objective of this thesis work was to study literature to find out what kind of people are needed as software testers in the agile development framework and how these people can be recruited.
Agile software development includes testing as a part of the development, not as a separate phase of the developing work. Testing is not necessarily visible in the organizational chart, but the actual work is still there, and its importance for the development work is bigger than ever. Moreover, the same reason why there was a need for dedicated testers earlier is still valid.
There is still an open question how to train these valuable testers to meet the present and forthcoming requests. The school system does not provide much, and training inside the companies is limited.