Use of QR codes in Vamk
Mounguengui Bello, Abdul-Hafeez (2012)
Mounguengui Bello, Abdul-Hafeez
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Mobile technology is developing and spreading worldwide at a very high pace.
Therefore there is a huge demand for tools like “QR codes” that can help mobile
phones and other portable devices users to have an easier and faster access to information.
As an institution that always promotes innovation, Vaasa University of Applied
Sciences together with Technobothnia research centre decided to embark on this
pilot project in order to use QR codes as information sharing tool in their everyday
activities. The aims of this pilot project are: to improve knowledge sharing at
TB mechanical engineering laboratory by generating QR codes for some machines
and equipment in that laboratory linking to their respective description and
data sheet information on the new Technobothnia website. Secondly, the development
of Finnish for foreigner’s language learning material having QR codes.
This was achieved firstly, through data and information gathering of the machines
and equipment in TB mechanical engineering laboratories and uploading them on
the new TB server. The QR codes of each machine or equipment was then generated
using the URL of the data sheet of the respective machines. Secondly, Finnish
for foreigners’ language leaning material was developed with the particularity
of having a QR code embedded on each pages linking to a video that we produced
and uploaded on YouTube.
Therefore there is a huge demand for tools like “QR codes” that can help mobile
phones and other portable devices users to have an easier and faster access to information.
As an institution that always promotes innovation, Vaasa University of Applied
Sciences together with Technobothnia research centre decided to embark on this
pilot project in order to use QR codes as information sharing tool in their everyday
activities. The aims of this pilot project are: to improve knowledge sharing at
TB mechanical engineering laboratory by generating QR codes for some machines
and equipment in that laboratory linking to their respective description and
data sheet information on the new Technobothnia website. Secondly, the development
of Finnish for foreigner’s language learning material having QR codes.
This was achieved firstly, through data and information gathering of the machines
and equipment in TB mechanical engineering laboratories and uploading them on
the new TB server. The QR codes of each machine or equipment was then generated
using the URL of the data sheet of the respective machines. Secondly, Finnish
for foreigners’ language leaning material was developed with the particularity
of having a QR code embedded on each pages linking to a video that we produced
and uploaded on YouTube.