Lifa Air Secure Box method for chilled beam cleaning
Leppälä, Vesa-Jukka (2014)
Leppälä, Vesa-Jukka
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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The objective of this Bachelor’s Thesis was to introduce a chilled beam cleaning method and to develop an improved version for the prototype introduced in 2011. This thesis was commissioned by Lifa Air Ltd. The company itself is specialized in improving Indoor Air Quality and offers a wide range of products meant for ventilation cleaning. The aim for the development work was to fill the requirements and needs set by the company based on the research done, and to construct a working and improved prototype.
The research was started by gathering information from the previous versions of the product. All data was obtained by interviewing and studying all the research. This was followed by brainstorming and sketching which were finally modelled with a Solidworks 3D software. Once a preliminary version was modelled, the construction of a prototype could be started. While the prototype was under construction, all needs for improvements were noted and updated in 3D model. This method ensured that the prototype would be close enough to the production version. The testing of the prototype was performed as it was constructed.
As a result a 3D model, technical drawings and a working prototype were achieved. Based on the model and drawings, the production version for the final product can be manufactured. The project worked also as a learning process for understanding the steps and challenges of a product development process.
The research was started by gathering information from the previous versions of the product. All data was obtained by interviewing and studying all the research. This was followed by brainstorming and sketching which were finally modelled with a Solidworks 3D software. Once a preliminary version was modelled, the construction of a prototype could be started. While the prototype was under construction, all needs for improvements were noted and updated in 3D model. This method ensured that the prototype would be close enough to the production version. The testing of the prototype was performed as it was constructed.
As a result a 3D model, technical drawings and a working prototype were achieved. Based on the model and drawings, the production version for the final product can be manufactured. The project worked also as a learning process for understanding the steps and challenges of a product development process.