Film Tourism as a Travel Trend: Developing a Harry Potter Travel Product for the Commissioning Party Wind and Cloud Travel Ltd
Mai, Lea (2023)
Mai, Lea
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This thesis's main aim is to create a new special interest holiday with the theme of Harry Potter for the commissioning party Wind and Cloud Travel Ltd in Scotland. The following research question has been developed to meet the goal: What impact do movies and television shows play in deciding where to go on holiday, and what would an ideal tourism product look like to attract Harry Potter fans on a journey around Scotland to the movies’ top film locations?
An online survey was conducted to reach the target group of Harry Potter fans and ask for their general interests and opinions about important Harry Potter stops on a journey around Scotland to develop the best possible travel product.
As a result of the survey, interesting conclusions could be drawn from the participants and their relation to film tourism. Although more than 50% stated they had never heard of the term, more than half had already visited film locations on their vacations. In addition, the participants' answers helped creating the itinerary so that, in the end, and with the help of the theoretical background of the product development process, the author planned a 9-day individual car round trip through Scotland.
An online survey was conducted to reach the target group of Harry Potter fans and ask for their general interests and opinions about important Harry Potter stops on a journey around Scotland to develop the best possible travel product.
As a result of the survey, interesting conclusions could be drawn from the participants and their relation to film tourism. Although more than 50% stated they had never heard of the term, more than half had already visited film locations on their vacations. In addition, the participants' answers helped creating the itinerary so that, in the end, and with the help of the theoretical background of the product development process, the author planned a 9-day individual car round trip through Scotland.