User interface, Accessibility, and Automation Testing Principles for E-commerce Platforms
Malik, Shehryar Ali (2024)
Malik, Shehryar Ali
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Ensuring an ideal user experience, accessibility, and effective testing procedures are essential components for success in the quickly changing world of e-commerce platforms. This thesis explores the fields of user interface design, software testing, and the importance of accessibility in the context of e-commerce. The investigation covers different software testing methodologies, testing phases, and the critical function of user experience. The guidelines for designing user interfaces for e-commerce platforms are highlighted, focusing on accessibility as a key component. One of the main goals is to include test automation into the testing framework, considering factors like cover-age requirements, time and money constraints, and other limitations. The thesis offers an overview of well-known automation tools, such as Appium for mobile automation, Selenium for online automation, and Robot Framework for web automation. This also explores test automation's drawbacks as well as its benefits, covering anything from upfront costs to difficulties adjusting to quick changes. The features of test suites and scripts, successful and unsuccessful tests, and automated log analysis are all covered in detail in this examination of the automation testing process. The investigation is enhanced with a case study analysis that compares the testing procedures of two different e-commerce platforms. The comparative study discusses advantages and disadvantages and pro-vides insightful information for improving testing methods. This thesis essentially adds to the growing body of knowledge on automation testing, accessibility, and user interface principles for e-commerce platforms.