Operational scalability of a system : an action plan towards a more streamlined system
Summanen, Antti (2014)
Summanen, Antti
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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The objective of this study was to define the current operational scalability of a digital advertising system developed by a company (that will not be named), while pinpointing the main challenges (themes) that need to be solved in order to improve the situation. This is important because the system needs to become more scalable in order to be used in large scale operations all around the world on a routine basis, by both new and less experienced system operators alike.
In this study, “operational scalability” of the system is defined as the usability, training difficulty, operational risk, and preferred development prioritization of each task in the operational workflow, that the system operators need to perform during each event where the system is being used at.
The current state analysis was based on both quantitative (ratings) and qualitative (comments) data gathered from a questionnaire study on the operational scalability of the current system and its operational workflow. The questionnaire was presented to both company system operators and developers, with the operators responses highlighted while both views were analysed and compared. The most important findings from this current state analysis were that overall the operational scalability of the system is surprisingly good and developers are more critical towards the system than the operators, but there are still many individual operational tasks where this is not the case and scalability should be improved.
The theoretical framework was built on the identified key challenges for operational scalability, i.e. the themes identified in the current state analysis. These “best practises” were derived from literary analysis of academic papers about ensuring end-user satisfaction in system development, improving communication, and arranging efficient training programs.
The outcome of this study culminates in an Action Plan, where both concrete ideas and more general strategies - either directly from, or inspired by - the questionnaire data analysis and the theoretical framework, were synthesized together into a coherent plan for im-proving operational scalability of the system.
In this study, “operational scalability” of the system is defined as the usability, training difficulty, operational risk, and preferred development prioritization of each task in the operational workflow, that the system operators need to perform during each event where the system is being used at.
The current state analysis was based on both quantitative (ratings) and qualitative (comments) data gathered from a questionnaire study on the operational scalability of the current system and its operational workflow. The questionnaire was presented to both company system operators and developers, with the operators responses highlighted while both views were analysed and compared. The most important findings from this current state analysis were that overall the operational scalability of the system is surprisingly good and developers are more critical towards the system than the operators, but there are still many individual operational tasks where this is not the case and scalability should be improved.
The theoretical framework was built on the identified key challenges for operational scalability, i.e. the themes identified in the current state analysis. These “best practises” were derived from literary analysis of academic papers about ensuring end-user satisfaction in system development, improving communication, and arranging efficient training programs.
The outcome of this study culminates in an Action Plan, where both concrete ideas and more general strategies - either directly from, or inspired by - the questionnaire data analysis and the theoretical framework, were synthesized together into a coherent plan for im-proving operational scalability of the system.